Epilogue - don't fall away

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"hey (y/n).." the ginger started, slowly placing a bouquet of your favorite flowers on top of your tomb.

"I'm back again" a sad smile emitted from his face as he stared at your grave. Kyo has been visiting your grave once a week since he had learned about your death. He always made a conversation with you every time he visited, of course no answer coming from you.

"I have so much to tell you..! We're finally free from the curse..! Although.." he stopped before looking away. "I wished you were here to witness it. You would've been so happy as well. But, I couldn't help but feel sad because.. this curse made me feel more.. more—closer to you"

Sighing, he then looks up at the dark yet starry sky. One star shone brightly than the others. He felt like it was you, signaling to him that you were listening and were happy that he was talking to you once again.

He then continued. "sometimes.. honestly all the time, I wished that you were still alive.. but of course, I can't change that. Instead, I wish you peace and happiness up there (y/n)" Kyo then looks at the time on his watch before looking back at your tomb with a sad yet content smile etched on his face.

"happy new year, (y/n). I love you"

He says as fireworks go off in the distance. Tears flooded his vision as he lets out a quiet sob, his smile slowly leaving his face.

He was once again alone, yet your presence still lingers around which made him glad. Glad that you were still there, even if he doesn't see you. He just knows you're there.

He was glad to meet you.

He was glad to know that he fell in love with you.

He was glad to know that you had also felt the same yet he was too late to acknowledge how he felt with you. And for that, he was sorry.

It was a new year. A new chapter to his story.

"well, I'll be going now.. see you soon, (y/n)" and with that, Kyo leaves with a small but contented smile on his face.


and that is the end of our epilogue ! please wait 'til the bonus chapter as it will be the last chapter of this book :>>

I will also be editing this book after it finishes.

I hope you all enjoyed this short chapter ^^

See you all on the last chapter !!

mwa <33
— reii

(425 words)

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