Chapter 1

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Months had already past since that incident, time passed so quickly before anyone could even notice.

Yuki stared blankly at the food in front of him. Food left untouched. He couldn't think straight. His mind was filled of that time during the events of the incident.

"Yuki, what's wrong?" the brunette beside him asked while looking at him, worried about the condition her friend is in right now.

"ah, it's nothing miss Honda. Please, excuse me" he stood up and went back to his room silently, leaving Tohru and Shigure confused.

Not too long, a ginger-haired boy shows up. Greeted by Tohru with a soft smile, Kyo sits down at his designated place.

"Why did that rat leave so quickly? Did he not like the food or something? talk about being picky.." Kyo scoffs. He was left with an unanswered silence as no one knew what also had happened to the gray haired boy.

"Kyo, can you please check up on Yuki? I am kind of worried about him" Kyo looks at the girl, shocked that she would ask him, out of all people, to talk to someone they knew he always disliked. Let alone to ask him what's wrong is like showing his weakness to him.

"huh? why me? I can't even stand that damn rat, let alone talk to him—" "please kyo..!" Tohru pleaded, bowing her head as she's faced towards him. The ginger couldn't do anything but sigh, knowing that he doesn't have much of a choice.

"..Fine. I'll be right back" the girl thanked him before he headed up towards Yuki's room. As soon as he's at front of his door, he knocked a few times.

"Oi rat. What the hell happened to you? You made Tohru worried—" he was cut off by the door suddenly opening, showing an annoyed yet tired Yuki.

Kyo immediately noticed that his eyes were puffy, as if he were crying so much that he ran out of tears. 'what the hell' he thought as he stared at the boy in front of him.

"Kyo, would you mind we talk outside for a sec? As much as I hate you and hate to admit it, we need to talk about something.. important" the ginger looked at the boy with confusion written on his face but nevertheless agreed to his simple demand. Weird that he would even agree with him in the first place but there he was. What can you say, curiosity took over the cat.

They both walked towards the balcony floor, feeling the soft breeze caress their face as soon as they take a step outside. Immediately, Yuki faced Kyo with a serious look on his face. He sighed, before leaning towards the railings of the balcony. Kyo stood there, not knowing what was going on nor knew what Yuki was about to say to him. All he knows is that it sounded serious.

"Kyo, when will you keep this act up huh? When will you stop on trying to forget her? You and I know that it is useless. We can never forget her, yet there you are, looking as stupid as ever" Yuki felt as if his vision was darkening while his chest felt heavier each moment.

"What are you talking abo—" "Stop it Kyo.. fucking stop it.. WHY WON'T YOU GOD DAMN REMEMBER HER? HUH? WHY DID YOU ERASE HER FROM YOUR FUCKING MEMORIES?! WHY? WHY WON'T YOU MOURN FOR HER LOST THE SAME WAY AS ALL OF US?!" He snapped. Yuki finally snapped. He couldn't help it. He couldn't let Kyo look oblivious to what happened before. After all, he was the reason she left this world.

"stop it.. stop cutting me off before I speak goddamn it.. I don't fucking know what you are talking about nor do I give a fuck about what and who you are talking about okay?" he felt annoyed and confused about what the boy was screaming about. He didn't remember loosing someone important to him. Knowing his memories of the past months were a big blur to him, it didn't really bother him too much to know what had happened.

Yuki lets out a laugh. Not that kind of laugh where it was of something funny happening rather he was laughing at how stupid the ginger is. His laugh sounded somewhat dark and hurt, leaving Kyo looking annoyed but more confused than he already is.

"Listen rat, I am starving so won't you stop with the nonsense and leave me the hell alone" he pushed past the boy but before he could walk out, he heard him say something. It was soft yet loud enough for Kyo to hear. And yes, he heard because suddenly he felt unwanted tears are starting to fall down his face.

"(y/n). (l/n) (f/n). Do you still remember her?"

Kyo looked back at the boy. His eyes loosing their sparkle as he looked at him dead in the eyes.
"who.. is that?"


Welcome to the first chapter !! I hope you enjoy your stay here ~

You will know what happened to yall in the next chapter so be sure to read it !

See you guys in the next chapter :>

mwah <3
— reii

(874 words)

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