Chapter 8

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After a few minutes, Kyo had already arrived at the dojo. He noticed that as soon as he got inside, Kazuma was nowhere to be seen. He wanted to wait for his master to arrive so he decided to stay in the living room until he comes back.

A few hours had already passed by and Kyo was already getting bored. He felt like time was getting slower by the second. He sighed, not knowing what to do to past the time.

"you know that he's not home right?" A voice suddenly spoke up, surprising the poor boy as he jumped a little by the sudden sound. He looks up at the figure before him with a bored expression yet nonetheless, not wanting to start a conversation with the other.

The person sighed. "I don't know what you want from Kazuma but he'll be out for a long time so I suggest you get comfortable cause it will take a while-" "do you know where (y/n) is, Rin?" Kyo cuts off, his voice breaking a little as he struggled to get the words out of his mouth.

He knew that Rin and Haru were also close with (y/n) as he remembered them being so close with you before. He was happy that you also had other friends, other than him of course.

On the other hand, Rin was speechless at what the male had just asked her. Did Kazuma already tell him about (y/n)? And if he did, why didn't he tell him that she was already dead? She was cut off of her trance by Kyo calling her name.

"n-no.. I don't know where (y/n) is. I'm sorry" she didn't know how to break it to him. Her eyes started wandering off, trying to not look at the male in front of her. She knew if she had look at his eyes, even a tiny glance, she might say things she wouldn't want to say. Things that might hurt him.

Kyo sighed deeply, still not having any leads to where you are. He felt hopeless. But he didn't want to give up so easily. He didn't want to give you up. He wanted to fight for you.

But as of now, there was nothing he could do.

And as for now,

All he could do was wait for his master to return.

"so.. are just going to stand there or..?" Rin looked at Kyo, confused but suddenly realized that she was just standing there for a whole 3 minutes. She quietly mumbles an apology before sitting down, not too far yet not too close to Kyo.

Both sat there in silence as they were also both in thought. It stayed that way for a while until an awkward tension started kicking in. They both wanted to ask the other a question yet stayed quiet.

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