Chapter 2

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It's been awhile since Yuki and Kyo last talked. They always tried their best to avoid each other as soon as they're in their line of sight. Tohru who was confused and worried, decided to ask Shigure if he had noticed anything.

"ah those two.. I'm sure it's just nothing! But I'll try to talk to them and see what I can do" he said with a grin, his words giving somewhat comfort to the girl as she nods and bows in thanks to him.

Slowly making her way up to the roof, she sat down quietly. The view before her made her awe in satisfaction but suddenly memories of a girl came to mind as her face slowly contorts into a sad expression. She remembered one of her friends, who was also one of the zodiac, had went away. And by went away.. she had passed.

(l/n) (y/n) was her name. A young and beautiful girl who possessed the fox zodiac. She was cunning and kind yet hid many secrets. She always kept her pain to herself as she didn't want to bother others. (y/n) wasn't related to any of Sohmas for some odd reason which made everyone wonder how she got the fox zodiac yet other's suspect that she was rather chosen by the fox' spirit. But after she died, no news of the fox zodiac being passed to any new borns in the Sohma's or (y/n)'s family has been heard of which also made others think 'what if she didn't really die'. 'A kind of weird assumption but it was possible.' Tohru thought.

Tohru was kind of close with (y/n).. well she thought. The thing is, (y/n) was usually around either Kyo, Yuki or Haru and Rin but she was more close with Kyo as they were best friends since childhood. Not much is known about (y/n) other than she had a loving father. Although her father was not always around due to him always being busy with work, he truly did love her. He was so devastated about her death yet still tried to keep a smile on his face. Tohru couldn't help but feel pity for the man as she imagines him crying all alone to himself, remembering his precious daughter. She mentally noted that she would go visit him soon to check up on him.

You might ask "why doesn't Kyo remember (y/n)?" well, it was because he erased his memories of her. Not using any memory erasing thing nor was it his choice, instead his mind blocked any memories of (y/n) because of how much he couldn't handle his best friend's death. The past months were erased from his mind by his mind itself as it was too painful for Kyo to bear. He was always blamed by others and himself for her death back then but never knew the actual reason why she left this precious yet cruel world.

Of course, many still remember (y/n) but they didn't bother to remind Kyo of her as they knew what might happen again if they did. Tohru also knew that and because of that, she never talked about (y/n) in front of him even if he doesn't remember. But sometimes, she still wishes that he would remember her. Even if it might hurt him, she knew that it was better to remember someone important rather than forget they ever existed.

Even if she wasn't that close with (y/n), she could still hear her faint voices around. It was like she never left. Suddenly, faint footsteps could be heard to Tohru's right. Turning to see who it is, Tohru gave the person a warm smile before patting at the place beside her. Kyo sat down before staring at the scenery before him, softly inhaling the fresh air of the outside.

"what's on your mind?" the ginger asked as he stared at the girl beside him. She shook her head before muttering something under her breathe 'nothing just.. (y/n)'.

Kyo who was confused once again, decided to ask Tohru who '(y/n)' is. "so.. the damn rat told me about someone. Someone named uh.. (y/n)..? do I know her or something?" Tohru who looked at him with worry in her eyes, decided to stay quiet this time. The boy stared at her reaction, still wondering who this '(y/n)' is and who is she to them.

"Tohru you got to tell me who (y/—" "ah! I-I just remembered.. I need to cook dinner..! See you later Kyo!" stuttering, Tohru cuts off Kyo with an excuse before quickly climbing down the ladder and back inside. Kyo lays down with a frustrated sigh as he ruffles his hair roughly, making it more messy than it already was.

"Who are you.. (y/n)?"

Suddenly, Kyo notices some strange glowing orbs in the corner of his eyes as he hears a faint voice not too far from him. It was of a woman's. Following the orbs with his eyes, he notices a strange figure appears out of nowhere. She was glowing and she looked.. majestical. Almost ethereal in his eyes as she stood there before him.

He tried reaching out his hands towards the figure when suddenly, she disappeared. Fading away like she was one with the wind.

Out of the blue, his head starts aching while his vision starts spinning. He hissed at the sudden intense pain as he starts massaging his temples, attempting to ease the pain. A few minutes had passed before the pain finally came to an end. Many questions ran through the back of his mind as he contemplated at what he saw was real or not.

"was that her? was that


woo ! that was alot.. kinda

now we know why kyo doesn't remember you :< aw poor kyo and poor you ofc

anyways, thank you for reading ! hope to see you soon ^^

mwaa <33
— reii

(1000 words)

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