Chapter 10

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Footstep after footstep.

breathing getting heavier by the second.

His mind was blank yet only one word stayed.


He couldn't believe it. You were.. dead?

His heart was pounding even faster.

His feet brought him to the only place he could think off..

the cemetery..

As soon as he arrived, he quickly tried to read all of the names on the gravestones. He was getting more nervous and impatient, not wanting to see your name written on one of the gravestones.

But then.. he finally sees it. Your name.

'here lies (l/n) (y/n)'

Was written on the gravestone.


"please no."

He chocked out a sob, a silent scream leaving his lips. All he could do was cry. He cried as hard as he could, not caring if someone was there. After all, you were one of the closest things that made him feel like he was home. But now, you are gone.

He knelt down in front of your grave, cautiously looking around. An assortment of your favorite flowers in a bouquet were place on top of your grave, alongside your favorite drink and dessert. Your grave looked like as if it was cleaned not too long ago yet a few puddles of water can be seen because of the rain.

Tears were still forming and falling down from his face as he stared at the sight in front of him. After all this time, you were dead.. and there was no way he can bring you back now.

He had already planned a hangout for both of you. Catching up on things for the past few months, laughing and goofing around like before. He thought he actually had a chance to confess to you.

But now, it was all ruined. He didn't blame you, never. Yet once again, he blamed himself. He blamed himself for not remembering you right away. He blamed himself for not confessing to you right away. He felt like a coward. A dumbass. A useless piece of fucking shit.

Cause once again, you were so far away from him.

He thought he could finally reach you.

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