Chapter 6

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| current time; back at the dojo |

Kyo was currently laying on the floor, still waiting for his master to come home. To find out the answers to all of his unanswered questions. To find out who (y/n) is.

He was nervous yet was also curious. He wanted to know and learn about who you were and what were you like. He wanted to know if you were the cause of all of his fuzzy memories over the past few months.

And why was everyone hiding you away from him.

After a few more minutes, the front door suddenly opens. Kyo waited for a few more seconds before looking at the figure standing near the doorway.

Kazuma Sohma.

Kyo's master and adoptive father.

Kyo ran towards the older male, hugging him with a smile. Kazuma smiled at Kyo before hugging him back while patting his head. Kyo beams a smile at Kazuma before they started to chat with each other.

"It's nice to see you here again, Kyo. Were you waiting for me for too long? Want to practice outside?" Kazuma asked with a soft smile on his face which Kyo shook his head in response. The older male looked at the younger curiously before waiting for him to speak.

Kyo hesitates before speaking. "So.. that damn ra—Yuki,.. told me something.. about someone.. um.. about this girl named.. (y/n)..? Do you know her, master?" The ginger asked, his eyes not looking at his master, instead it was looking down on his feet. His hands were shaking. Why was he so nervous?

Kazuma's eyes slightly widened before giving a half smile to the boy. He slowly walks off, Kyo's face giving a disappointed look. Thinking 'maybe he also didn't want to talk about it' before he suddenly heard his master's voice call out to him. "Kyo, come here" he said with a gentle tone.

His eyes sparkle with delight before running towards his master, quickly sitting down beside him. His ears perked up, wanting to hear what his master has to say about you. Kazuma chuckled softly before starting off with a warning, cutting Kyo off guard.

"you might experience a few minor, or major, headaches after hearing what I have to say. Also, do not and I mean do not look for her after okay? well then.. let's get started shall we?"


Back at Shigure's house, Tohru couldn't help but get worried for the ginger. Yuki had told her that Kyo went out as soon as the sun rose. Although the girl should've been awake by then, she probably did not notice the boy sneak out of the house.

She did her best, trying to distract herself from all of the emotions she was feeling by doing the household chores, however it didn't help that much as it only made it worse. Why was she so worried about Kyo? Even though she knew that she always gets worried about them from time to time, she couldn't help but feel more confused and frustrated from the boy's actions.

The two males noticed Tohru's odd behavior and tried to think of a way to help the poor girl. An idea suddenly sparked Shigure's mind before making his way towards the brunette, the confused Yuki following shortly after.

"Tohru !~" Shigure called out as the girl looked over at the male with a soft smile. "I need you to go buy some groceries. We're having some guests over tonight and we might not have enough food for them!" He cried out, Yuki rolling his eyes at him while making his way towards the girl.

"I'll come with you" Yuki smiled at Tohru as they both walked out of the house, heading towards the nearest grocery store. Their journey towards the grocery store was silent. Knowing Tohru, she would've been talking the whole entire time but instead, Yuki had noticed that she was quiet. A little too quiet in fact. He tried to think of a subject for a conversation but couldn't think of one as they had already arrived.

They both quickly decided that it was best for them to split up for now so that it would be more quicker instead of having to walk around for a long period of time. As Tohru was walking down the isle, she had noticed something, or someone, familiar in the distance. A tall ginger. Was it Kyo? She knew that hair anywhere but was a little confused. What was he doing here? She ran towards the male, almost slipping but quickly tried to catch up with him.

"K-kyo! Wait!" She shouted. Before she had noticed it, she had already grabbed his hand. Her heart was beating fast as she tried to catch her breathe. The male slowly turned back to look at her, confusion written on his face. Oh. It wasn't him. It was just someone with the same colored hair as him. She immediately apologized, bowing her head multiple times before walking away disappointed. She could've sworn it was him.

After that embarrassing and disappointing encounter, she went back to grab the items needed before checking them out with Yuki. As they made their way back home silently, Yuki couldn't help but feel more worried. He was worried for his friend. He didn't know how to cheer her up nor what to cheer her up with. All he can do was stay silent the whole entire walk back.

They had already made their way back home, currently fixing and storing all of the items they had bought in the cupboard or the fridge. The door suddenly opened and slam shut, everyone looking towards the entrance, looking confused. The ginger haired boy suddenly popped up and quickly ran off to his room, looking.. confused? Maybe frustrated? No one could tell what he was feeling but they knew it wasn't good.

Tohru was the first to react as she made her way towards his room as well, quickly knocking on the door. "Kyo.. are you okay?" She asked.


She knocked and asked again.

Still no answer.

She decided to leave him be but before she could walk away, the door suddenly opened harshly. Kyo standing near the doorway, looking annoyed than ever. She quickly apologized and asked what was wrong.

"Kyo are you okay?—"

"yes. I'm fine. Now leave me be." He said, sounding more annoyed as he quickly slammed the door shut. Tohru couldn't help but feel more worried. 'What happened to him?' 'Is he okay?' She thought but quickly went down the stairs as to not disturb him any further.

On the other hand, Kyo didn't know what he was feeling. He felt sad, angry, confused, frustrated. Different emotions were traveling all around his body and mind as another headache came, suddenly stopping his thoughts. After that talk with his master, some of Kyo's memories suddenly swarmed in his mind.

Many questions lingered in his head but one of the most important questions were..

"where are you,.. (y/n)?"
"..and what did master mean by do not look for you?"


hi everyone, sorry for this kind of filler chapter and short chapter :<<

anyways, I hope yall enjoyed it thoo

See you guys in the next chapter !

mwa <3
— reii

(1213 words)

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