bonus chapter - dream

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"wake up..!"

Kyo jolts up from the bed, waking up in beads of sweat as he pants while looking around, running his hand through his hair. He had another nightmare. He looked at the familiar figure beside him who has been worried sick for the poor boy.

"Kyo.. are you okay?" She asked as worry laced in her voice. The boy gave her a small yet reassuring smile before hugging her tightly. She gasps softly yet hugged him back, rubbing his back as she whispered sweet nothings into his ears. The ginger felt calm in her arms, slowly nuzzling his face on the side of her neck.

"I'm alright now.. thank you, (y/n)" smiling onto her neck, he softly inhaled her scent as it made the boy even more calmer. (y/n) couldn't help but smile at the affection she was receiving from her boyfriend yet worry still lingered in her mind. She wanted to tell him that everything will be okay but wouldn't want to ruin the moment they were having right now as they were now snuggling under the sheets.

Her hands were running through his soft ginger hair as he hummed in delight. His hands around her waist, face buried onto her chest, legs tangled, they wanted to stay like that for awhile. But they knew that they had to get up sooner or later, they did have an important date to catch up on after all.

Today was their 1 year anniversary. They had been lovers for over a year now, best friends since 10. They had been together ever since and were never planning on letting each other go, ever.

(y/n) then slowly gets up, quickly grabbing Kyo who tried to escape from her grasps. "noo! let me beee" the boy dramatically said as he gripped onto the bed sheets. (y/n) then whispered something into his ear which made the boy jump out of bed and run into the kitchen which made the girl giggle as she followed behind.

- 2nd pov -

You had made both of yours' breakfast and decided to cook Kyo's favorite which made his heart skip a beat. Even though you both were already dating for a long time now, Kyo couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man alive since. Even before you both dated, he was still happy to have someone like you.

You were everything Kyo dreamt of. You were practically his everything as he was yours. Everyday with Kyo was special to you. Whether it was a special day or a regular one, everyday was always special with him by your side.

After eating breakfast, both of you had gotten ready to go out and decided to go to an amusement park. You were so pumped up as soon as you both had gotten in front of the entrance of the amusement park, you had accidentally bumped into another person.

"I'm so sorry—" "no, it's fine I—"

"YUKI?!" "(Y/N)?!"

You and Yuki both shouted out in shock yet was delighted to see each other. You gave Yuki a short yet joyful embrace before pulling out and going back to Kyo's side once again, slowly wrapping your hand around his.

"I'm so happy to see you here Yuki! Are you with someone right now?—" before you could finish your sentence, a dark gray haired girl suddenly appeared beside the boy. Your mouth creating an 'O' shaped like form after.

"well, me and Kyo will be going now! Enjoy your date!" you winked at the couple in front of you before wrapping your hands around Kyo's arm, walking away in the other direction.

Although your antics were just harmless and maybe a little cutesy gestures, you never noticed the ginger haired boy beside you being all flustered because of it. His cheeks were flushed with dark pink as he tried not to show any emotions from these simple gestures.

After awhile, you noticed Kyo's change of demeanor. You looked at him, confused but suddenly a small smirk grew on your face as you look at his flustered expression. You slowly unlinked your hands around his arm, leaving Kyo confused.

Before he could react, you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him into your embrace. The boy looked at you stunned, his face becoming more red than before. "h-huh? w-what are you doing, (y/n)?"

"you just looked too adorable to resist" you cooed, slowly leaning your face towards his. Kyo couldn't help but learn forward as well. He felt too mesmerized by your face in front of his that he hasn't noticed both of your lips had already touched.

Even though Kyo doesn't show it that much, he loves it when you both kissed. Whether it be a short, cute peck on the lips or a hot make-out session, he couldn't get enough. He felt addicted to your lips, as it were a drug.

After a few more seconds, you both pulled away, panting softly. Your arms still wrapped around his waist as you pulled him back into a warm embrace, nuzzling your head onto his chest. The boy couldn't help but smile at you before reminding you that you both had a date catch up with.

You wanted to stay in that position. The cold air mixed with Kyo's warmth made you feel all fuzzy inside, Eventually, you both went inside the amusement park.

You both tried all sorts of rides and games whilst competing with each other. From riding different rollercoasters 'til it both made you hurl, to trying to see who would win the most prizes 'til your hands are full. You could say that both of you had a lot of fun.

After everything, you both went for ice cream and sat down at the nearest bench while staring at the view in front of you. The night sky looked absolutely amazing in your eyes as everything felt magical.

While still looking at the view above you, you haven't noticed that Kyo "accidentally" got some ice cream on your nose before he pecked your nose. You turned to him confused yet flustered before jokingly slapping his chest, both of you laughing before finishing off your ice creams.

"(y/n).." Kyo starts, his hands getting a little fidgety as he avoids eye contact with you. You gave him a reassuring smile as he averts his eyes into yours.

"I know I don't say this much but I appreciate you.. alot" he continued. "Thank you, for everything" he cups your cheeks before leaning towards you, slowly.

"I love you" he mumbles, pulling you into a kiss as fireworks went off in the distance. It was once again another year. Another year with you by his side. Another year to make memories with you.

It felt like a dream to him. Was it?


thank you for reading 'til the end ! I hope you all enjoyed although it took long ehe

I'll be making (hopefully) other books in the near future so stay tuned for those ! I'll also be editing this one soon when I have time :))

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read and support this book, see you all next timee !!^^

mwaah <3

(1211 words)

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