Chapter Seventeen.

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We arrived back at my place not too long ago and Rose is currently eating some mac n cheese whilst watching tv and Scarlett and I are in the kitchen chatting away about random things with a little bit of flirting involved whilst I clear away our dishes from our lunch that I previously cooked.

Ive been thinking of taking Scarlett out, like on a date I just need to find the balls to actually ask, I also dont know where to take her. Do I take her for a meal? Do I do something more fun? Do I do both? Too many questions. Im pulled out of my thoughts by Scarletts soft hand on my bicep.

"Let me clear this all up, you cooked. Its only fair that I clean up."

"Nope, its all good I got this." I reply concentrating on the dishes again.

Once I finished, I turn back to Scarlett who is leaning forward on the counter watching my every move and decide that its now or never to ask.

"So Scar, I was thinking since we both agreed to see where this would go, I was wondering if uh I..if maybe you uhm.." I stutter as I rub my palms up and down the side of my jeans. Scarlett has clearly caught on to my nervousness because she has now moved infront of me and put her hands on ny shoulder.

"Its okay.. just breathe and try again." She reassures me. I take a deep breath and decide to try again. Come on Y/N its not that hard, pussy.

"Okay...Scarlettwouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?" I spit out faster than I could even blink. What the fuck was that mess.

"Your going to have to slow it down honey, I dont speak 100mph." She jokes as she rubs up and down my arms trying to calm me down.
I look down to the ground and back up again before attempting to speak again.

"Scar, would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask and release a breath I didnt know I was holding onto. Shes silent. Shes going to say no. Oh god this is embarrassing.

"I would love too, Y/N. You just tell me when and I'll be there." She states. I instantly smile at her acceptance to my offer. Holy shit!!!

"Really? Okay yes! Ha." I say without trying to contain my excitement. She laughs and once again, Im absolutely buzzing.
"Your cute when your nervous and excited." She adds and I blush like there is no tomorrow.
We stand there still close to eachother smiling not saying a word, that was untill Rose come in with Moose following behind. Moose really took a liking to Rose and its the cutest thing ever. We move away from eachother and Rose waddles her way exhaustingly over to her mother.

"Mommy I finished my mac n cheese." She explains proudly as she lifts the plate up for Scar to take.

"Well done baby, Ill wash this up and then Y/N and I will be in the living room to watch a movie with you okay?" She explains to the small girl.

"Otay mommy. Come on moosey." She yawns as she walks back through to the living room. I laugh at her tired ways and go to take the plate from Scarlett who just pulls her hand away with the plate in and nods her head no.

"Ill do this. You go and pick a film with my daughter for us to all watch." She insists.
I hold my hands up in defeat and back up slowly before making my way to Rose and the dogs who are cuddled up either side of her.

"Hey Rosie, you wanna help me pick out a movie for us all to watch?" I ask her sitting down in the middle of the couch.
She throws her hands up in the air and shouts an excited yes before jumping into my lap as I search for a movie.
Rose ends up taking over and picking a movie fully of her choice, which im fine with. Frozen is a sick movie.
Scarlett finally joins us but stops and just stares towards us as Rose gets more comfortable in my lap. I send a smile her way and pat the empty space next to me. She gets herself comfortable next to us and we start watching frozen.

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