Chapter Four.

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A week later...

I wake up because of a very loud banging on my door, Even the dogs are too tired to bark right now. I quickly get up out of bed and throw on a random T-shirt not bothering for trousers, boxers are enough. I head downstairs and open the door too see my favourite oompa loompa almost dissapearing in a mini sea of balloons.

"Happy birthday!!!!" Alyssa cheers whilst trying to move the balloons away from her face.

"Thanks Shitbag. Come in then!!" I laugh as I move aside to let her in. She walks past me and heads into the kitchen placing the balloons on the counter. The dogs come charging in happy to see her once again.

"Ugh I can't wait for tonight its going to be so fun!! I can't wait to see lizzie I haven't seen her in so long its unreal. I miss that crazy bitch." She sighs as she rushes to raid my fridge for food. I move past the set of balloons that are starting to slightly piss me off as they keep floating towards my face. Im not too keen on my birthday, it doesn't really bother me too much, I would prefer to treat it like a normal day but Alyssa refuses to let me.

"Yeah well im not excited to be having you two gang up on me like you always do its fucking annoying." I say as I stand behind her and grab the milk from the fridge to make myself a tea.

"Blah blah blah you are talking trash my extremely tall friend. Oooh wait I left your presents in the car!! I'll be back!!" She excitedly shouts as she runs to door, anyone would think someone has just told her to run for her life holy hell. I carry on making my tea as I wait for her to return. As Im putting the milk back away I can hear a very unfit Alyssa breathing very heavily and making a return with three different boxes. Im always so greatful for gifts dont get me wrong I just prefer to give them than recieve.

"Oh come on you didn't have to get me this much Lyss seriously" I explain shocked.

"Shut up douchebag ofcourse im going to get you things dont be silly!! Open them then!!" She pushes them towards me very impatiently.

I open the first one and its a simple suit vest, I was looking at this not to long ago when we went to the mall but just didn't bother to buy it.

I open the first one and its a simple suit vest, I was looking at this not to long ago when we went to the mall but just didn't bother to buy it

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I waste no time in grabbing the second box and opening it. Its another box like the last one so im guessing its more clothing? I was right I open it up to reveal its a suit but this time a full suit with trousers too, i've seen the price for this before and lets just say it wasn't cheap at all.

 Its another box like the last one so im guessing its more clothing? I was right I open it up to reveal its a suit but this time  a full suit with trousers too, i've seen the price for this before and lets just say it wasn't cheap at all

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