Chapter Twenty.

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So, here I am sitting in front of the
Most beautiful woman I've ever known and still
I cant help but panic a little.
I don't want to mess this up at all. I feel like
Im going to drive myself into a panic attack.

"So Rose found out I was having dinner with you tonight and she was not happy about it." Scarlett breaks me out of my thoughts as she places her cutlery in the middle of her now empty plate.
I straighten up my posture and clear my throat as I prepare myself to reply.

"It would have been great to have little Rosie here with us but I'm also glad it's just us two now, I can really get to know you." I politely reply back.
Scarlett then takes a quick look around the room and gently grabs my hand thats placed on top of the white cloth that covers the table separating us.

"I can sense you panicking sweetheart. Just relax. Its just us two okay? I wont bite, well unless you ask me too." The blonde haired woman softly speaks and lowers her voice towards the end of the sentence.
Im just being stupid I know I am but for some reason this feels like it needs to be perfect and I can't mess it up.
I take a deep breath in and out and calm myself down.

"Well if your offering lets just skip the rest of this date and head to my place." I joke as an attempt to change the subject.
She then pulls her hand away and pulls her wine glass towards her perfect plump lips and lets out a very sexy sounding laugh before taking a sip. God shes beautiful. Ive never felt this way about someone. I hardly know her and yet she has this crazy effect on me. I didn't even feel this way about...her.
Please mind shut the fuck up I'm not thinking about that right now.
"Do you want dessert, darling?"

"Not here no. Maybe once the night is over I'll change my mind and take up the offer." She leans over the table to get closer to me and whispers, I already know I'm as red as red could be. The comment caught me off guard okay? She's only had a few sips of wine so she's sober and lets be honest, basically every time something has happened between us we've been drunk so this is kinda new for us.

"I'll get the bill." She stand up trying to get someone's attention causing me to instantly speak up and deny her actions.

I stand up and place my hands on her shoulders and lightly guide her back into her seat.
"I don't think so, I asked you to accompany me for the night and for that I pay for it all."

"As nice as that is, all my life I've had people, mostly men, running after me and paying for everything, always holding the doors open for me because of my job and just always doing everything for me. Sometimes I just want to do those things for myself you know?"
She explains.

Well now I feel like a fool. Once again it's sad to know that she gets held back from these things. I get those things are nice and some people most likely do care but then I guess it all loses its meaning when people only do it because you're a public figure. People don't do any of those things for me because..well, because I'm more of a man then most of the men on this planet. No offence men, I'm sure you're great.

"Okay how about we split it then?" I offer, wanting to give her the best chance at feeling as "normal" as I can. She sends me a smile along with a nod and I take that as my cue to grab the attention of one of the waiters heading our way. I think he's a bit of a fan of Scarletts because as he gets closer and closer the second he looks over to her its almost like his whole body took a screenshot. I try my best to hold in my laughter as he trips over his own foot and grabs the table to catch himself, What a poor soul.
"Sorry... uhm I... uhm how may I help you two?" The youngish boy stutters.

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