Chapter Twenty-Five.

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So we're going to
do a time skip because
I honestly had no idea
what to write for this chapter.
Enjoy :)


So its been almost 4 months since Scarlett and I had some issues that were resolved and honestly things have just been great since then. I'll admit the first week or two was very awkward for some reason, I think it was because we were so used to being so intimate and all of that came to a stop untill two weeks ago. Scarlett is officially divorced. Colin refused to sign it countless times but in the end he just gave up. He also wouldn't give up trying to drag my name through the dirt on Twitter, everyone found out about my father and also about my ex girlfriend Katie's accident.. and her death. I have no idea how Colin found out these things but once he did, he did not hold back. That was a difficult thing to get through. Scarlett wasn't here she was away filming the last scenes for Black Widow it's been to long since I've been able to hold her. I miss Rose too, shes been staying with Scarletts mother whilst she's been away.

Alyssa and I haven't really spoke that much either or hung out, she just says she's busy everytime I ask her to come over or if I would go over to hers. She's being very blunt with me and I have no idea why, I tried asking and I did try turning up to her house but she told me she was really busy and had to go. She's most likely found a new guy that she's really into and honestly good for her if that is the case, she deserves just as much happiness as everyone else if not more. I do miss her though. I have done everything I can to try and find out what the problem is but she is not making it easy to find out so since last week, I decided to give her a bit of space. Sometimes we go through these stages where we just want to chill alone for a month or two and if that's what she's wants that's okay with me.

My feelings for Scarlett have honestly just got alot stronger, I can't stop thinking about her at all. She's still away at the moment with Florence and the rest of the cast and are now doing interviews for Black Widow. She says she should be done next week, we FaceTime eachother every night without fail it's like the only way I can sleep now is knowing she is there somehow. Now, because she's been away for a long time a woman has needs right? And the only way I can satisfy her is over the phone, it's difficult and my hand doesn't feel as good as her hands but I had no choice but to deal with it because it's that or nothing, but it has been good, very good I'll gladly tell everyone that now.

I also met Scarletts mother by accident. I was out shopping when I bumped into her with Rose, it was a short but sweet interaction she really is a lovely woman. She done such an amazing job at raising such a beautiful and outstanding woman like Scarlett.
Once I actually told Scarlett about this she cried for some strange reason. I laughed at her and she wouldn't reply to my messages and calls for 12 hours so take notes people. Do. Not. Laugh. At. A. Crying. Woman. Even if they are crying over something random.

Anyways, back to reality. Im currently finishing up short session at the gym with Mike. I had a fight a few days ago, I won but only just, this guy was good and I mean really good. It wasn't an important big fight, this one wasn't even televised and there was only a few hundred people who came to watch, so a very small event compared to what I'm used to. As much as I should be resting, I need to get my head in the game, the other guy could have won if I didn't get the last few jabs in.
Scarlett was also pissed when she saw the state of my face afterwards too, luckily she was over the phone so I could just turn the volume all the way down untill she finished complaining.

Im finally home now and as I'm sitting here on my couch staring into space, I realise I have absolutely nothing to do so I'm going to bake a cake, or atleast attempt too. I saw Lizzie make one on her instagram live the other day and I've just really wanted to bake one ever since so here goes nothing I guess.
I add the ingredients to a bowl and go to grab some eggs and notice I have got flour all over my shirt. How the fuck do I manage that?
"Shit.." I speak to myself as I drop one of the eggs on the floor causing it to crack.
As I grab a towel to get down on the floor to  clean it up my phone starts to ring.
I don't even bother to check who it is I just reach my hand up onto the counter and  repetitively press my finger against the screen untill it hits the answer button.
"Hello??"  I greet the mystery person.
"Hello you."  I recognise that voice anywhere. Its Scarlett. As soon as I hear her voice I cant help but smile.
"Where are you sweetheart? I cant see you." She asks with a confused tone.
"Sorry, hello. Im here I cracked an egg on the floor."  I apologise as I stand up and position the camera so she can see me as soon as she does she instantly smiles and seeing that immediately makes my heart happy.
"Finally! I missed you, I tried calling earlier."

"Oh shit did you? I was at the gym sorry darling. Where are you? Are you just walking around the street?"

"Its okay, you're here now that's what matters and uh yeah I am just walking around the streets" She jokes.

"Please be safe walking around by yourself okay?" I laugh and she nods.

"Im always careful. The cut on your lip looks better."

"Yeah it wasn't as bad as it looked yesterday, I'm not in any pain or anything so it's all good." I explain as I hold the camera closer to my lip so she can see more.
"So how's the interviews going?"

"They're good actually, Flo said she misses you and wants to come see you once we have finished everything." She says and I can sense the jealousy in her and in some ways it's actually pretty hot.

"Tell her I would love to see her, I miss her too." I say with a smirk just to tease Scarlett.
She just rolls her eyes.

"Whatever jerk." She replies.

After some more talking Scarlett has to get back to doing more interviews and I carry on baking my cake, I wish Scarlett was here with me so we could be doing this together, I miss this woman more than I've missed anyone.

The cake is finally in the oven and you know what? I don't think I've done a bad job, it looks good so far. I might actually be a true baker at heart... come to think of it, that's probably pushing it.
I wash my hands and go to walk up the stairs when I'm interrupted by the dogs barking and a knock at the door....

I guess this is just a filler chapter .

Also not everything is going to be
accurate in this book so the movies and interviews
and other things have been changed or
Just not in chronological order.

Take care of yourselves!

If you're reading this,
Thank you!

Have a good day :)

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