Know Your Place

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~That Night~

"Haruka, what do you think about this dress?" Satsuki asked my while twirling a pink dress. I smiled. "It's beautiful on you, Satsuki." She continued to twirl around.

Suddenly my phone vibrated. It's a message from Hitomi.

'Be careful with your surroundings, Haruka. Superior-sama has sent some assassins to kill your friend. Love, Hitomi.'

I sighed. Good, now Satsuki has been targeted. I searched for her, she's paying for the dress she just picked. While's she's busy with paying, I closed my eyes to concentrate. I have to make sure the building is save. My ability activated and I have the access to see the whole landscape of this building and the outside. The walls can be easily breached by my ability, allowing me to detect any suspicious people.


 5 unknown person who wore black outfits are suspiciously walking in front of the store. I opened my eyes and walk towards Satsuki.

"Satsuki, can you wait for me in this store for a moment? I want to buy something."

"Eh? We can go together, right?"

"You still want to browse around this store, right? It's okay, I can protect myself."

"Okay, Haruka-chan!"

She happily replied to me. I smiled before turning my heels towards the store's exit. Once I'm outside, I sense those 5 pairs of eyes are watching me tentatively. I grinned. Stupid assassins. Actually I have a feeling after that 3 hours of boring shopping... 

'I kinda feel like I really want to torture someone'

"Let me teach the difference between our skills." I whispered slowly. I crossed my arms on my chest then slowly walk to a quiet and dark alleyway. Those 5 assassins quickly revealed themselves. 2 stands in front of me. Another 3 stands behind me.

They lunged forward towards me with their own weapons. I don't bring any weapon or even any sharp things, so I used my martial arts skills to defeat them. I jump over their heads once they neared me. I landed behind them in a crouch before sweeping my feet 180 degree in front me. All of them stumble down like bowling pins. They fell down on their belly.

Using the opportunity, I jump on one of them. Holding his right arm, I broke it in seconds. I smiled as I watch his eyes showed pain. He screamed in pain as I break his right arm bones again. 

Crunch, crack. The sounds of his bones breaking excites me. 

Suddenly I hear a shift behind me. Sensing someone's bloodlust , I immediately dodge the attack. This girl tries to hit me with a baton? Hey, you are disturbing the fun, missy. Since her arm is just 2 cm beside me, I took that chance to flip her over while I'm still sitting on this guy's broken body. 

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