♚This Is Not A Party!♚

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Haruka's POV

I was thrown into a room, a guest room to be exact. 3 maids came rushing in and tried to force me wearing a dress. Well, I guess I manage to run away because I'm hiding in the trees outside right now. 

Yeah. Before they can touch me, I crash a nearby window and make a run to the mountain forest. I don't know where I am right now but at least I escaped from that girly nightmare. It's okay, I'm still wearing my previous clothes. This is easier to move with instead of a long dress. 

I slump my back against the three trunk up on the branches. My eyes darts everywhere, searching for any human who might pose a threat to me. No, no sight of them. No sound of them at all. I close my eyes and activate my ability, it's only me around here. 

When I open up my eyes, I notice a flock of birds flew away from the northern trees. It's like someone has step on their territory and guess what, it's heading towards me. I narrow my eyes, I should get going. 

I slowly jump down the tree and land on the ground silently in a crouch. Casting my eyes around for the last time, I make a sprint towards the west. I don't know where I'm going but I might as well YOLO because I don't want to get into a fight. 

The sound of water rushing down caught my attention. After a few long strides, I found myself standing in front of a waterfall. From down here, I think the height of this waterfall is 18 feet. Woah, the headmaster's house is near with a waterfall. If I own the house, I'll have a bath here everyday. 

Wait, why am I admiring a waterfall? I'm suppose to run away.

Thinking for a few times, I give up on spending more time beside the waterfall. Walking as fast as I can through the woods, I discovered a lot of hidden hiding spots and other beautiful nature that I'm too lazy to explain. Whatever it is, the sounds of crickets and the chirping of birds manage to calm this racing heart of mine. 

Suddenly I feel a tug at the end of my hair. My eyes glance back, my body ready to strike anyone who is touching me. Unfortunately, no one's here. It's only my hair stuck at a tree bark. I sigh as I try to get it off the tree but more hair got tangled instead. 

Thinking of cutting my hair right now sounds nice but I can't reach for the secret compartment behind at the back of my belt right now. Because of that, I can't accomplish that mission. While trying to untangle my hair using my fingers, I hear footsteps nearby. My heart beats loudly as my ears function properly. I try to hear the footsteps again but there's none. 

Damn, is it my imagination?

Out of the blue, someone nears me from the back and blow air right into my ear. 

That manage to make my whole body jolt and my feet swing towards the person immediately. 

"Woah, calm down. It's me." My leg stop just an inch from Akashi's face. He is standing still, not even moving even though my leg is nearing his face. I narrow my eyes as I let down my leg. Good thing that I wore shorts. If it's a skirt, well, maybe something embarrassing will happen.  

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