~Blushy Blush~

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Haruka's POV

I hated to be babysit. I don't like people controlling me. I want to run away but I'm afraid Kise can see me since his eyes are on me all the time. How can I run away...Hmmm.

Ohh, I know how to do this. When I look to the gym's entrance, I could see girls roaming in front of it. Yes, I know how to run away from Kise! I tapped his shoulders.

"Oii Kise, you better calm your fangirls down before something bad happens." I pointed at the specific place. He scratches his head, "But, if I leave you, you will run away. Akashicchi will kill me if that happens." 

I smirked. "I won't run away at all Kise!" Yes, believe me, Kise. He nodded in return before sprinting towards the gym's entrance. Hihihi, he believed me. With the chance, I sprinted off out of the gym using a nearby window. Since it was wide opened, I jumped out from the gym with style and ran away to some place else.

"No running on the school grounds." A certain prefect revealed himself in front of me, halting me from running. He is holding both of his tonfas, ready to strike me down. "I understand." I walk past him towards some destination I don't know what is it.

He grabbed my arm and threw me back on the ground. Before I hit the ground, I flip my body around and manage to get on my feet like before. I sent a death glare to this certain prefect. How dare he do that to me? Both of us are staring each other for a long time before he redrew his tonfas under his coat. I raised a brow.

He lunged forward then grab me by the arm. He continued to pull me towards the school building. I can't escape his grip even though I already struggled hard. Fish this... Why don't I specialize in strength? Now I have to suffer things like this. I think he wants to continue this fight on the rooftop. Meh, my instincts.

Ahh, I forgot about Kise. I guess he will be dead since I'm gone.

Author's POV

"Care to explain this mess, Kise?" Akashi asked Kise when the game stops for a moment. Kise wimpers like a little child before answering the red head.. "She tricked me, Akashi. When I look back, she's gone. I'm sorry!"

"Ceh! Kise, you will be my substitute. I'm going to search for her." Akashi infroms it to the coach before speeding off outside. Kise scratches his head. "Akashicchi is really caring towards Harukacchi, desu ne." 

Outside, the red head looks around before sprinting off again. "Seriously, where is that girl?" While looking around, he saw two figure on the rooftop of the school building. He frowned.

"Why is she with him again?"

Haruka's POV

Just as both of us arrived at the rooftop, Hibari already tried to kill me. Yup, with his tonfas. I barely escaped it though. Since I'm unarmed, I have to fight bare handed. This is not even fair. Nevertheless, Hibari threw his tonfas away before lunging at me. Bruhh, that surprised me.

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