♚We Are On Our Own [5]♚

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Author's POV

A day before, 

Hiro stared at Shiki who was smiling after the sly guy explained about what he has to play the next day. Seemingly, Hiro doesn't trust Shiki but he can't defy that all of his plans works even though it seems impossible. 

The principal sighs, "Are you sure about this? I'm not worried about my role but for those three...isn't it a bit too much?" He still can't accept the fact that this guy in front of him is serious. 

The multi-face guy gets his game face on, "Hmm? The stoic Hiro actually cares for his students? That's surprising." Before Hiro could retort back, Shiki continues, "No worries. For what they'll found an encounter on that day will play a huge role in the future. I leave this task to them because only them could complete it." 

Hiro eye twitch. He replies, "Okay, okay. After I played my role, take care of those guys for me. Even it's just for awhile, they will not stop until they find me." 

Shiki chuckles as he nods, "I will."  

In the room where both of them played a game of chess, a checkmate seals the deal.

Kuro's POV

During recess time, I decided to spend my time alone at the main building. I'm sitting by one of the hallway's window, looking at the students walking around outside. Akashi and Haruka are meeting up with their club members while I'm here, keeping myself hidden, not wanting anyone to realize that I existed in this school. 

After all, it will be a problem if someone from this school recognizes me. 

"Today is a nice day, isn't it?" A male's voice startles me.

I turn around, facing the person who just talked to me. My eyes meets with a pair of blue eyes. This guy has dark wavy hair but nonetheless, despite the gender, he somehow seems familiar. "Are you.." My eyes squints, "Somehow related to Haruka?" By then I remember that the girl has once complained about her brother. Maybe this person is her sibling? 

The smile on the guy's face never seems to fade as he replies, "Haruka never mentioned about me to you? Ah, as expected of my sister." 

Thinking that I might have offended him, I quickly add up, "Wait, wait! She told me about you once, it's just that she never mentioned your name or how you looked like." 

This guy's smile somehow makes me feel on the edge, "Ahaha, you are a good kid, aren't you? Shiki is happy to know that his sister made such a good friend." He mentions his name. 

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