♚Unexpected Cafe Date♚

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The song is soothing. Go hear it :)

Haruka's POV

I wonder how can that Namimori freak transfer into the class. I almost choke on my own saliva after I heard what (your name) says. This is unexpected. Very unexpected. After thinking for awhile, I decide to ask my friend instead. 

I place down my fork, "So, since he transfered into our class, what did he do?" 

The blond girl slump on her chair, "Nothing much. Just glaring everyone that tries to talk to him and skip classes even though he's still new. It leaves a bad impression to everyone."

My eye twitch slightly, "If he acts like that, why did he come here in the first place?" 

(your name) crosses her arms on her chest, "That's the main question. I want to ask the headmaster but he is currently somewhere else. I don't know where he went." 

I sigh, "Why are the adults like to leave us in confusion? Is this some kind of tradition?"

A smile crept on my friends face, "Mysteries are the best. It gives us the doki doki excitement."

I smile, "We have to play detectives now, huh? What a lot of work to do..." I pick up my fork and continue to eat my dessert. 

Your POV

After paying up the bills, we head out from the cafe. I glance at my friend's face. She appears to be in deep thought, just like always. I look around, geez both of us are attracting too much attention don't we? People keep on whispering to their friends and gaze at us every time we pass them. Haruka seems not bothered by it. She must have always experienced this kind of thing. For me, it's still disturbing. 

My blond hair seems to catch people's attention since its bright. My purple eyes are alien not to mention, people may know me through my previous ad acting. The job I got today is actually me second job. The first job is the same like the current one but it is about cosmetics. With my pale complexion, it suits the theme. 

Haruka is a natural beauty. Mesmerizing aquamarine eyes, paired up with straight jet-black hair. She likes wearing normal clothes and despise being in fashion. Since she wore something decent today, she looks 10X more beautiful. Being serious adds more point to it. Hmm, how can I get that frown out of her face, huh?

Suddenly a memory pops up in my mind. What about I drag her into a blind date? You know, that kind of cafe that makes blind dates for singles. Guests needs to fill out some paperwork regarding interests then are sat down at a table for two with coffee, tea and cakes. You know what will happen right? Hmm, hmm. Maybe she can meet a special someone there. Hey, hey read first. Don't argue with yourself here!

I notice that both of us are nearing the cafe. I abruptly stop, Haruka stops too. She turns around before giving me a questioning look, "Why are we stopping, (your name)?"

I give her a sly smile, "I heard a new cafe just opened on this floor. It has good ratings and their customers recommends it. I want to try it out." 

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