♚Devil In An Angel's Suit♚

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A/N:Sorry for not updating last week T~T. I went for a camping with my friends, that's why I have to delay it. Enjoy your read~

Your POV

I excused myself from the gym, saying that I'm going to the toilet. Actually, I'm worried about Haruka. Well not that worried, I kinda want to see if Haruka and Akashi did something...

Ok, I should not think bad.

While running through the school's pave way towards the main building, I see some birds flying away from the trees followed with some exchanged whispers. I stop in my tracks. Looking towards the trees. Someone is in there. Don't tell me that Hibari is disturbing my OTP??

I turn my direction towards the trees. I breath in and out. When I take the first step, someone stopped me by putting it's hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little bit before the person's voice calmed me down.

It's the headmaster. "I suggest you not to run into those three." He say before walking towards the trees. "I guess you should go back to your class. It's not safe here." He continued.

I shook my head before following his footsteps. "Haruka is my friend. My only friend, I mean. I want to see if she's safe or not." I swear I saw the headmaster's lip turns to a smirk.

"I assume you already knew who she is and Akashi. Right, (Y/N)?" He asked me, looking straight.

I nod, "Yeah, she told me one time ago. What is the problem?"

"Hmm, even though your professor told you not to involve with dangerous people?" The headmaster asked me again. How can he know professor? Ahh, whatever. Professor is a well-known person. I guess he's an acquaintance of headmaster.

"I know about that but I'm sure Haruka won't ever hurt me. Besides, both of them already retired from that world, right? For two years already." I stated the information.

"Even though they retired, you think humans will sit down and do nothing? Both of them are precious gems in that world, if they quit, it's like a treasure hunting for those other humans. One day, you will see how dangerous their situation are in. Do you want to get tangled in?" he asked me while telling me more information.

"I'm already tangled in that world, headmaster. The world's number 1 mafia family already knew my existence. One day, those humans will know about me too. It's already late for me to turn back." I replied.

Then he stopped walking. I stop beside him. I herd him laughing a little bit. "Sorry, (y/n). I'm just testing you. Don't worry so much. Haruka is pretty much save when her brother is around. Akashi too." He takes a deep breath. "Now, i guess we should worry how much damage they have caused." He said.

I look the the front and saw the trees's trunks are dented. Some branches are lying on the ground, snapped without mercy. There are some cracks on the ground. Hibari, Akashi and Haruka really did it, didn't they?

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