♚As A Brother♚

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Haruka's POV

The next day, to know the current situation even better, I pressured my brother to tell me everything he did and the effects it caused to the enemy. Like always, he dilly dallies the replies and even tried to stall for more time but I threatened him to spread rumors that he has a secret relationship with Rakuzan's principal. 

By then, he reluctantly started the whole conversation about it. 

First, our side has dealt quite a lot since the last few months. Even before the underworld auction commence. It started with the madness of the enemy, threatening the government to take them down. The reason is unknown but that doesn't concern us right now. After that, the events take place, all of that chaos, our lives targeted are to make our side lose the momentum. But, we countered it. Since the spies and their ants are pretty much annihilated, they choose to wreck   the underworld, again to make us lose our composure. Usually, the skirmishes between the underworld will immediately die down 'if' the stronger and much influential families takes over. Even if it's just one of them. 

There are only three governing ones. That is Kuro Hebi, Seraph and Takeo clans. Kuro Hebi is out of the list as they are the ones who ignited the others passion to annihilate others for more fame. The Seraph clan ,too is out of the question as they choose to sit back and be the spectator.

The last straw would be Takeo Clan but it appears to be quite hard for them to handle this problem.After all, Mizu's family is in a weak state as their head was at his deathbed and the sole successor, is to stubborn to be the next head. Hearing this, I just wish to meet Mizu and bang his head at a wall. His stubborn trait will cause a lot of deaths, dammit. Just what in the world that lovestruck fool is thinking? 

Before I can complain further, my brother continues on with the details. The day he got back home dressed like a host, is because he went to deal with the major powers that supported the Kuro Hebi. It's hard to pin point whom and which powers are backing up our enemy but when all of them are found out, my brother and his most trusted aide decided to handle it themselves, leaving their other members in crime at this house to keep it safe from harm. A total of 6 not-so influential clans were gone in the span of a week without delays. The mission was smooth because the duo got their hands on information about their opponents. Those ant like creatures, to go against them, it would be a thousand years early. 

Once all the 6 backers are gone, the enemy's side started to crumble. After all, without those guys' help, their usual money-making activities were to be stopped once and for all. For example, one of their branch organ-trafficking factory that takes place in Kanagawa was brought down without mercy. One by one, with the help of the police and secret agents, their cards in this game were used and burnt at that exact moment. They thought they made our backs against the wall but actually, it's theirs. 

However, it's too early to say that we defeated them. After all, they still have connections outside that will provide them with what they needed. Also, corrupted policemen and agents. It's still not dealt that perfectly. The cockroaches deserves their title for being pesky and troublesome, an eyesore and an impurity in our eyes. It seems that fighting the corruption will take a lot longer. 

Lastly, The drug they used to corrupt humans are still in research and developing of the antidote. We still can't safe lives that were effected by it. In conclusion, our enemy's end is near but we can't be sure just yet. Who knows they'll turn the tables at the end and have us choke back our assurance of victory. 

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