~The Beginning of A STORM (4)~

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Haruka's POV

I stagger backwards, feeling nauseous. Wait, he's joking right. He must be joking. My lips curl up to asmile as I open my mouth, "Huh? Stop joking, Shiki! I came here just to see you and you decided to make a joke about this? Sorry, but I won't buy it." I laugh, trying to defy everything that is happening. 

My brother's eye continue to stare at me like I'm a crazy person. It doesn't hold that cheerfulness anymore every time I talked to him. His face too, looks bored and not interested with the conversation. I stop laughing when I see him raise his brow, feeling dumbfounded. 

I sigh before walking towards him, my left hand extended to hold his arm, "Nee, say something. You remember me, right?" My hand shakes slightly as I touch his arm. 

My brother looks at me then his eyes trail to his hand before grabbing my hand before shoving it away, fixing his sleeve after that, "I don't like when a stranger touch me. Like I said, who are you? How can you know my name? I don't even know you." 

I hold back my hand, looking at him with puzzled expression as my brain processes his words.

'I don't even know you'

'I don't even know you'

'I don't even know you'

"Why.." After all I did. After all we did. All those memories, all those times, all those conversation, all those experience together. After all that, he forgets about me. The only sister he has, the only family member left after all those nightmares. 

And the lonely sister that really needs mental support right now. 

My eyes water as my heart tries to debate with my brain about the logic. I look down as he turn around and talk with the girl sitting beside him. It's friendly, isn't it? Very friendly and very hurting. I gather my strength to talk once more, hoping that he will stop joking, "Unno, Shik-"

He whips his head around, a frown and annoyed expression decorates his face. "Can you get out? If you don't want, I'll call someone to take you out, stranger." 



My smile dies down when the word echoes in my mind. So, I'm stranger for you right now? I clenched my jaw as I run towards him and pulls his sleeve, "Mou, stop joking already, baka-aniki. I'm your little sister, Haruka and you don't remember me? Oii, wake up! I'm here to see y-" 


A stinging feeling rested on my cheeks before I can even finish my sentence. This is the first time Shiki slapped me when he will never do. I hold my red cheeks as I stare at him with shocked eyes and he looks back at me with stone cold ones.

"For the last time, I don't know you." 

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