♚ Nice Meeting You Again ♚

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Haruka's POV

The teacher came just after Akashi finished his threatening words. Akashi just glance at me and muttered, 'hmmph' before sitting beside the window. I just stare at the wall in front of me. What kind of atmosphere was that? The dictionary calls it intense moment right? Shizzz, this is dangerous for my health.

The teacher cleared his throat before announcing , "For your information, your seats will be changed for now. Please draw out a paper from this box and sit at the table with it's number. Well then, let's start with you." He pointed at me and I immediately stood up. I draw a paper from the box and opened the folded paper.


Yes, my favorite number! I look around and started to search for the table as the next student took their papers. I stand in front of the class. Table number 2. That table is actually beside the window. I frowned. Why did I get that place? While muttering something under my breath, a hand suddenly reached for my paper. I tried to lure it away but he snatched it from my hand. He smirked when he saw my number.

I tried to snatch it away but my wrist got drag instead.

"Such a bad luck you have...." He said under his breath and I heard it. I eyed the paper in his hand and I noticed it was written number '1'. I immediately cringed.

While trying to get out from his grip I whispered, "I refuse to be the main character! Let go of me!"

He replied, "You are already the main character."

"Geez, what about you take the role?" I asked him.

"I'm already one." He immediately replied. After that, he threw me towards my seat and do a kabedon. I put on my poker face as I eyed him in the eye. We continue to stare for 3 seconds before he opened his mouth, "Behave." He took the seat in front of me and crossed his arms as the other students took their seat.

I sighed and look outside. Geehh, sunshine. Long time no see my nemesis. I noticed some eyes are on us. It feels really uncomfortable being watched like this. Well, I could admit that Akashi changed since the last day I met him. Seriously, what happened to his old self? I think he just became a yandere all of the sudden. Besides, his right eye also changed from red to orange/yellow. Did he wear contacts? No no...Akashi is not someone who's interested in those kind of things.

I eyed my shinai that I put against the wall beside me. After school, there are club activities. I'll be going to the kendo club and do my things but what about Akashi? Did he choose his own club already? Or maybe he already has one in mind? I shook my head. Why should I be worried about him?

The teacher cleared his throat as all the students took their seats. He look at all of his student's faces and spoke, "Well, let's move on to the introduction."

~Your POV~

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