♚I want action♚

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Author's POV

Ritsu is jittery. Izumi stays beside her, keeping the little girl in check in case she has any dangerous thoughts in head. The situation right now, even her cannot fathom. Other than the other companions hiding nearby and the silence that accompanies them, nothing much can be said other than that. Izumi seriously thought a big fight will occur but not even a peep can be heard from within the main house. 

What happened in there?

Just when she contemplating about the future by herself, she let her guard down and the sneaky Ritsu manages to silently move away from Izumi's line of defense. Without any second thoughts, she raced towards the main house despite the hazardous things that may happen to her. When she arrives inside, all she can see is Kuro sitting in front of Abyss and her cousin sitting like a doll on top of the metal chair, looking lifeless and soulless. It pains her heart watching it, even though she is young, she could pretty much understand what her cousin has gone through. 

In just a second, Abyss shoot off from the metal chair. Not towards Kuro but towards Ritsu who had just tried to catch her breath. With this kind of situation now, Ritsu has no time to act. With death nearing, she found even her eyes difficult to move. It's good that Izumi was there in time and manage to grab her out of danger's way. 

"Your opponent is not your cousin, it is me." Kuro stands up from where he sat. He turns around and made a direct confrontation with Abyss. 

Haruka founds herself to be outside of the enemy's compound. The thought of Kuro handling that friend of his has been pushed at the back of her mind awhile back. She is confident in Kuro's skills. Along with Ritsu and Izumi whom can offer even a little bit of assistance, taking down that monster will not cause heavy causalities. The henchmen were eliminated and there's only that silver-haired guy being handled by Kuro. There's pretty much nothing to do anymore as the new antidote for the upgraded version of the drug is in process, and of course by (y/n) and her line of helpers at their main base. How they manage to attain the information about the new drug? It must be because of Akashi who had run around the basement searching for any vital information regarding anything. 

She knows Mizu is at someplace else along with her brother and other adults. That place must be exploding with action, she thought. She arrives at their main base and found (y/n) busy talking with her co-workers. Hibari is not that far, resting at a nearby tree, his eyes closed. He must have dozed off.  The Seraph siblings stand not far from the tree, seemingly deep in an important conversation. The redhead is nowhere in sight. He must have gone somewhere else after delivering the information to the main base. 

"Yo, Haruka! Any news from inside?" Yao Yao greets her as Haruka walks towards them.

Haruka manages a smile, "It goes just like what we thought. Kuro is confronting Abyss. If he manages to bring him down and (y/n) manage to complete the new antidote, this problem will be solved in just an hour." She gives her conclusion. Looking at the grim face of Yan, she decides to ask, "What were you guys talking about?" 

Yan glance at her for a moment before sighing, "Talking about the things happened at the other side. Those temples I mean." 

Haruka raises a brow, showing that she wants to know more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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