The Storm's Aftermath

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Author's POV

In 40 seconds, the building will explode. Two dead bodies laid around a fainted girl. Out of the sudden, Haruka sits up, shaking her head before snapping her head towards the exit near her.

The one that is controlling the body is not Haruka herself, its her,  Haruka's child-like self.

It was known to her that if she ever took control of Haruka in the real world, residing in a real body like this, it would meant that she can't return back to Haruka's mind. She knew that and she doesn't want it to happen. But that is the only way to save Haruka from dying in the explosion. 

Controlling another's body is easy peasy but the farewell moment is not.

Walking towards the broken wall and windows, looking down to the lake , the little girl smile before jumping down. She leaves Haruka's body right after she took the jump. This is what she doesn't want to happen. To be separated. To be forgotten forever. 

The ghost liek figure stares as Haruka's body splash into the water below. A little smile spread across her face. There's still 5 seconds until the whole building will explode.


"Haruka-neesan, it's true that you are destined for something greater than this."


"I know that I can't be with you forever."


"I know that you love me. I love you too."


"Since I can't return back to your mind, I guess this will be the last time for me to see you."


"Goodbye, Haruka-neesan. It's a really wonderful thing to be with you."

She smiled as her tears started to fall down. On the cue, the whole building exploded. The child-like self dissolves into the air, the end of her own existence. Haruka's body sinks into the lake. Going down, time by time.

In a distant dream, Haruka saw her, the child-like girl. The little-self hugs her tightly before letting go and shattered like glass pieces. Not knowing how to react, Haruka just stare at the shattered pieces that seems to fly away , taken to someplace else by the wind. 

The teenage girl smiled.



Shiki's POV

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