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Scene: Streets of Paris

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Scene: Streets of Paris.

On a bench, Kalianna is sketching and Tikki watches her. "See that trashcan over there, Tikki?" She draws something in her sketchbook "Ta-da!" She showed Tikki a pretty trash bag dress. "I turned it's trash bag into a dress!"

"You're so inventive and inspired Kalianna! You always see things through your artistic eyes." Tikki says.

"Well, I have to give some of the credit to Paris, the most fashionable city in the world! It's so easy being inspired here, you know? Everywhere I look there's something interesting. Just look at that tree and its beautiful leaves!" Kalianna pointed at the tree before sketching a stylish leaf-themed hat.

"You made it into a hat, that's really cool!" Tikki praised.

"Thanks Tikki, but not cool enough. I need something really special for the school dance. Adrien will be there, so I have to look my very best!" Kalianna says.

"But you always look your very best Kalianna. Just look at what your wearing right now." Tikki gestured to the red Gucci dress her owner had on. "What's that brand called again? Smoochie? Poochie?"

Kalianna giggled. "It's Gucci, Tikki. Let's keep looking for inspiration."

The duo began search around and found a traffic cone.

"What do you think, Tikki?" Kalianna asked, showing her Kwami a cone-themed dress.

"Nice skirt, very creative." Tikki praised.

"Thanks! But I don't think it's for a school dance." Kalianna replied.

"Buried in books, as usual, Little Miss Baker?"

Kalianna and Tikki became startled at Chloé's voice before Tikki quickly hid in Kalianna's white Gucci purse.

Kalianna turned around to face Chloé, who was holding a black garment bag.

"Oh wait, it's not a book. Ha! Don't tell me you're planning on actually making your own dress for the school dance. Hahahaha! How pathetic!" Chloé degraded.

"What's pathetic is how low your IQ is. This is a book. You ever heard of a sketchbook Ms. Einstein?" Kalianna snapped back.

Chloé fumed with anger. "Of course I've heard of a sketchbook dummy!"

"Right, yet you didn't think my sketchbook was a book." Kalianna rolled her eyes before she noticed the garment bag in Chloé's hand. "What's that? A dress for the school dance?"

"Obviously. I'd show it to you, but I don't want you to drool all over it with envy. Anyway, you wasted too much of my precious time already. I'll leave you to your ridiculous little paper dresses. Bye!" Chloé walked away.

Kalianna glared after her.

"Don't listen to her, Kalianna. She's just being mean as usual." Tikki says.

"Don't worry Tikki, Chloé's words don't affect me. She's just a envious b1tch who knows that I've got better taste than her." Kalianna shrugged.

"Well said." Tikki agreed.

Kalianna pondered for a moment, then smiled. "Actually, you know what? I think I'm gonna listen to Chloé."

"Huh?" Tikki was confused as Kalianna draws in her sketchbook "Ooo."

"Ta-da!" Kalianna showed Tikki the finished progress.

"Wow, an actual paper dress, it looks incredible, Kalianna!" Tikki commended

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"Wow, an actual paper dress, it looks incredible, Kalianna!" Tikki commended.

"Thank you, Tikki. I hope Adrien likes it too." Kalianna smiles down at her paper dress.

"Like it? I'm sure he'll love it!" Tikki hugged her holder's cheek, causing her to giggle.


At the school dance, Adrien did in fact love Kalianna's paper dress, much to Marinette and Chloé's jealousy and dismay.

Later on, the duo both danced together for the rest of the night.

Word Count: 576

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