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Scene: Miss Bustier's Classroom

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Scene: Miss Bustier's Classroom.

Kalianna is standing beside Mr. Damocles while the latter stands beside Miss Bustier.

"You'll only have 10 hours to buy or design an outfit that symbolizes your origins, besides French. The judges will be me, Miss Bustier, and Kalianna. After you dress up, you'll return back to school. Whoever has the best outfit will get to be on the cover with Kalianna on the magazine Teen Vogue," Mr. Damocles gestures to Kalianna.

Miss Bustier presses a button on the remote she was holding and the projector switches on, revealing the Teen Vogue logo.

The students chatter excitedly.

"Whoever doesn't want to participate doesn't have to dress up or come to school," Miss Bustier says.

Adrien makes eye contact with Kalianna, who smiles at him. He blushes and Nino nudges his arm playfully.


Scene: School Courtyard.

Kalianna is sitting with her friends by the stairs.

"I can't believe you're gonna be on Teen Vogue!" Giselle says to her BFF.

"I know, I actually have the editor-in-Chief of Lacroix to thank. Garrett told me she reached out to Teen Vogue for me. Since I'm the face of her magazine I need to start expanding my name out of Paris," Kalianna explains.

"Wait, THE Priya Lacroix reached out to Teen Vogue for you?" Maya asked.

Giselle's body posture tensed.

"Yeah, why wouldn't she?" Kalianna shrugs.

"That woman is the biggest journalist out there. She doesn't even stay in one place, but you can't expect anything less from her, she's very busy," Mireille says.

Giselle stands up. "Hey girls, I'm gonna head home. I just remembered I have to do a collab with someone, bye,"

"Okay, bye," Kalianna waves after the rainbownette as she quickly walks away, heading to the exit.

"Well that was weird," Maya comments, watching after her close friend.

"You're not participating?!" Sabrina's shocked voice was heard.

Kalianna and her friends turned to see Lila on a nearby bench being surrounded by five classmates.

The scarlet brunette shakes her head. "No, I'd rather not,"

"But why?" Mylène questioned.

"I wanna be able to get on the cover of a magazine with my own hard work, not because I won a contest. It's hard to get on any magazine covers out here because Kalianna's stealing all the spotlight," Lila pouts.

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