📹ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ📹

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Scene: Apartment Building.

Darius, Maya, Kalianna, and Giselle are standing outside of an apartment.

"Who's address is this again?" Maya asks.

"My mother's, she lives here. She's always been a classy but private woman." Giselle says.

"This seems like a really nice apartment. Ring the doorbell, I wanna meet your mom!" Kalianna urged, smiling.

Giselle breathes off and walks up the three steps, ringing the doorbell.

"Who is it?" A female voice asks from the intercom from above the door.

"Mom, its me, Giselle," The rainbownette quietly reveals.

The intercom stays quiet before it clicks off.

The sound of heels could be heard behind the door before it unlocked and was swung open.

Darius, Maya, and Kalianna couldn't believe who they were seeing.

"Priya Lacroix?!" Kalianna breathes in disbelief, staring at the gorgeous woman in shock.

"Priya Lacroix?!" Kalianna breathes in disbelief, staring at the gorgeous woman in shock

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"Holy fvck," Maya cursed in shock.

Priya looks at her daughter, who is looking down at her feet. She then looks at the others.

"Come in,"


Scene: Inside Priya's Home.

Darius is currently explaining Rashad's contract to Priya outside on her back porch while Giselle, Maya, and Kalianna are sitting down on the comfy couch

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Darius is currently explaining Rashad's contract to Priya outside on her back porch while Giselle, Maya, and Kalianna are sitting down on the comfy couch.

"I can't believe your mom's Priya Lacroix! The woman who picked ME to be the official face of her magazine!" Kalianna told Giselle, who is squeezing her knees.

"Yeah, sorry about that," The rainbownette apologizes nonchalantly.

"No offense but how'd your dad bag such a hot woman like that? Especially when his personality is sh1t?" Maya asks, texting on her phone.

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