🎆4ᴛʜ ᴏꜰ ᴊᴜʟʏ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ🎆

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(Sukura41: This chapter was written by the amazing writer Gothic_Vampire_Queen

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(Sukura41: This chapter was written by the amazing writer Gothic_Vampire_Queen.)

Scene: Kalianna's Room.

Kalianna and Tikki slept soundly as the first dreamed about running her very own clothing line. Both were in peaceful slumber when Kalianna's alarm went off, waking both up.

Kalianna reached over and turned the alarm off as Tikki floated up, wearing an adorable, tiny, sakura pink sleeping cap on her head. Kalianna stretched her arms over her head as she yawned.

"M-Morning Tikki," She said, slightly groggy.

"Good Morning Kalianna," Tikki replied, yawning cutely.

Shortly after, both entered the bathroom, where they cleaned their faces in the sink, washing away the remaining sleep. They then began to brush their teeth, with Tikki using a tiny tooth brush.

After their morning routine, they returned to Kalianna's room when the noirette saw the date on her phone.

'4th of July!'

"No way, it's the Fourth of July!" Kaliannna exclaimed excitedly.

Tikki flew over and smiled. "Oh, that sounds fun."

Kalianna smiled and grabbed her yellow hairband from her nightstand, pulling her hair up into her ponytail when a knock at the door was heard. Tikki hid in Kalianna's hair just as the door opened and Vanita peeked into the room.

"Morning sweetheart, Happy 4th of July." Vanita told her daughter, smiling.

"Morning mom, Happy 4th of July," Kalianna replied back, smiling.

"If I were you, I'd hurry up and get changed. Your father is making his special 4th of July breakfast." Vanita informs.

Kalianna smiled in excitement and jumped up and down.

"Yes! Pancakes with blueberries, strawberries and cream cheese frosting! I'll be down in a bit, and please make sure dad doesn't eat them all," Kalianna requested, hurrying to her closet to look for an outfit.

"Better hurry, he's already eaten the first pancake he's made right from the pan." Vanita warned before closing the door.

Kalianna panicked at that, and quickly got into her closet, throwing her pajamas out before she came out with a stylish outfit on.

The ravenette then hurried downstairs and into the kitchen, where found her father setting a large stack of pancakes down on the dining table along with a bowl of chopped strawberries and blueberries. Smiling, she ran to the fridge to grab the orange juice and turned around just in time to see her mom snatching a strawberry from the bowl and pop it into her mouth.

"Mom!" Kalianna shouted in surprise.

Darius turned around to see his wife's cheeks appeared full, making her resemble a chipmunk. "Whoa," He says, slightly taken aback. "Honey, are you eating the fruit again?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

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