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Scene: Kalianna's Room

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Scene: Kalianna's Room.

"What do you mean you can't come to lunch with me?" Kalianna asks Giselle over the phone.

"I just can't. I have a... fitting appointment Rashad scheduled for me." Giselle informs.

Kalianna groans. "Elle, we made plans!"

"I know! I'm sorry to disappoint you but this fitting is really important. Trust me, you'll see," Giselle then hung up.

Kalianna sighs while Tikki flies over to her. "Giselle cancelled on me. Guess I'm not going anywhere,"

"Yes you can," Tikki protests. "Just because Giselle isn't going with you doesn't mean you can't go with someone else,"

Kalianna ponders for a moment. "Yeah... yeah, you're right Tikki. I didn't get dressed up for nothing! But who should I call though?"

"Why don't you call Adrien?" Tikki probs.

"I can't. He didn't do fencing class yesterday because he had a photoshoot to do so he's making up for it today." Kalianna says.

"What about Luka then?" Tikki probs again.

"Ah, Luka, right!" Kalianna smiles and dials Luka's number, calling him.

It took a moment before he picked up.


"Hey Luka! I have a question to ask you."


Scene: Il était un square.

Kalianna and Luka enter, their arms linked together as they chatted and laughed. They go to a table and order before they continue talking.

Kalianna gasps lightly when she has am idea. "Let's take a picture together!"

Luka shrugs. "I'm down,"

Kalianna smiles and gets out her phone, holding it up, taking a picture of her and Luka. She then shares it on Facebook, typing a few words and posting it.

Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont. Courtyard.

Kagami and Adrien are fencing before the blonde calls a water break. He then walks to the locker room, entering it and going towards his locker.

He heard Plagg yelp inside his locker and opened it to see his Kwami glaring down at his phone.

"What's wrong Plagg?" He tilts his head.

"Your stupid device interrupted me from eating my gooey Camembert!" Plagg retorts before eating his piece of cheese whole.

Adrien chuckles, grabbing his water bottle and phone. He sips on his water as he checks the notification on his phone. Clicking on it, it opened up to the photo of Kalianna and Luka sitting at a table together in a restaurant.

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