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Scene: Lila's Room

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Scene: Lila's Room.

Lila gritted her teeth as she watches the interview with Giselle and the journalist Ray Powers on her computer.

"Your performance last week was absolutely ASTOUNDING Giselle. You've only just started your singing career and you're song 'Glaucous Tears' is already trending number one on YouTube! How do you feel about that?" Ray questions the rainbownette.

Giselle had put back in her rainbow highlights after her concert as she had missed them.

"I just feel so grateful to my manager Rashad Ferro, he's worked with a lotta celebrities and I'm glad he wanted to manage me because he saw potential in me," Giselle expressed herself.

Lila narrows her eyes. The Giant freak was working with a celebrity manager? What poor taste he had.

"Well props to him. But anyway, when are you gonna upload a new music video?" Ray asks, crossing his legs.

"I'm actually already working on a new song. It's called 'Vermilion Tribe'." Giselle reveals.

"Vermilion Tribe? Ugh, could you be anymore tackier?" Lila's face scrunched up with disgust.

"Ahhh, I see, well, I can't wait until you finish it, my husband and I are dying for a new music video, especially my husband," Ray says.

Giselle just chuckles. "I'll try not to make you wait too long!"

Lila shivered in disgust after Ray had mentioned his husband. The journalist was gay? Ugh, how revolting!

(Sukura41: You're cancelled, you're done, pack it up, you're through!! 😡)

"Alright, that's all for today my Smart News watchers. Have a sunny rest of your afternoon!" Ray winks at the camera.

The news then switched to an 'Adrien, The Fragrance' ad.

However, Lila could care less about it. She was seething with envy as Giselle had exploded in more popularity than her! Despite her co-modeling with Adrien, everyone was now focused on either Giselle or Kalianna!

Speaking of the d@mn amateur designer and talentless model, she had dropped a new magazine. However, she was on the cover of the top 10 renowned magazines in the world; Vogue!

Lila couldn't believe this. She had just dropped a magazine with Adrien on Monday, and it was the hottest thing, then Little Miss Designer just had to show off by publishing a VOGUE magazine a day after!!

Lila wanted to make both of those girls pay for stealing her limelight.

A devilish smirk formed on her lips as she thought of some ideas.


Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont. Next Day.

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