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(Sukura41: ⚠️WARNING⚠️: Mild Kadrien angst???)

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(Sukura41: ⚠️WARNING⚠️: Mild Kadrien angst???)


Unfortunately for Adrien, the lunch date incident had not blown over.

Ever since that Saturday, Kalianna had been avoiding him all week; in school and out of school. When he tried to talk to her to explain himself and apologize, she just eluded him like he had a disease.

Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont. Monday.

Adrien gets out of his car and walks up to Nino. "Hey, Nino," He fist-bumps his best friend. He notices Kalianna by the entrance chatting with Giselle just then. "I'll be right back," He told Nino.

"Okay," Nino shrugs.

Adrien makes his way up the steps towards the girls. "Kalianna!" He calls to her.

The noirette looked at him and the content look she had immediately switched into an uncomfortable one. "Let's go Elle," She grabs her hand, dragging her away.

"W-Wait, hold on!" Giselle exclaims as she is dragged away.

Adrien frowns sadly while Nino came up beside him.

"Dude, what was that all about?" The boy asks.

"Long story short, I spied on Kalianna on her lunch date with Luka and now she doesn't wanna talk to me," Adrien gives a brief explanation.

"What? Bro, why would you do that?!" Nino asked in shock. "Now she thinks you're a creep!"

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me," Adrien now feels even more guilty about stalking Kalianna and Luka.

"Dude, you'd better apologize to her. I don't know if it'll make things between you two all buddy-buddy again but it's worth a shot," Nino tells him before walking away.

Adrien looks at Kalianna, who is now on the second floor with Giselle. She sees him looking at her and quickly walks away into Miss Bustier's classroom. Giselle also looks down at him with a disappointed gaze before following after her BFF.

Adrien sighs. He knew Kalianna had told Giselle what he did.


Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont. Cafeteria. Tuesday.

Okay, so yesterday was an epic fail, Kalianna had continued to avoid Adrien all day, practically rushing to her car and escaping as he chased after her to explain, but she had already left.

Today would go great! He just had to go up to her and explain and apologize, then she'd probably forgive him!

Adrien looked at his friends, telling them he'd be right back before getting up and walking towards Kalianna's table, she was talking to her friends.

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