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Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie

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Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.

Tom takes out a tray of chocolate macarons from the oven with a peel before setting it down on the table.

"We still have a lot of macaroons to make, my darlings. This is our biggest order ever!" Tom says.

Sabine comes over with a macaron pan just then. "We're lucky you're here to help us, sweetie." She told Marinette.

"Glad to do it, Mom." The bluenette replies.

The bakery bell rings, and Marinette turns to see Alya walking in.

"Hi Mrs. and Mr. Dupain-Cheng. Hey, Marinette!" Alya walks over to her. "You'll never guess who I just ran into on my way here..."

As she was saying this, Marinette puts a chocolate macaron into the macaron pan her mother had set down on the table.

"Adrien and Kalianna!" Alya revealed.

Marinette gasps. "What? What is SHE doing with him?!" She shrieked angrily.

"He told me he and Kalianna are going to the movies this afternoon." Alya revealed.

"No way?! I have to go stop them from getting close! Ah.." Realization came crashing down on Marinette as Sabine walked away with the macaron pan. "Wait, I can't. I have to stay here and help my parents. Sh1t." She cursed.

"This is probably for the best. If you ruin their hangout, Kalianna's definitely gonna call you out for it." Alya says.

"Alya!" Marinette yelled at her best friend.

"Sorry, M, but its true!" Alya replies.

"Alya, you have to help me finish up early so I can go find them and stop Kalianna from trying to seduce him away from me! Pleeeese???" Marinette gave Alya her puppy dog eyes.

Alya narrowed her eyes, but then sighed. "Okay, alright. But but even with my help, I don't think you'll make in time. I have an idea."


Rose puts together a chocolate macaron before putting it inside a macaron pan.

"Everything smells so good! No wonder the client ordered so many macarons. Right, Juleka?" Rose asked her BFF.

"Yeah, they're great." Juleka responded.

"I know!"

Tom put a tray of chocolate macarons on the table with his peel.

"Hey, do you guys think we could make some heart shaped ones? That would be so romantic!" Rose said to Tom.

The man laughs heartily. "Sorry Rose, but these macarons all have to look the same for our customer. But don't worry, I'll make a special heart-shaped batch for Valentine's Day."

"I told you girl, with Rose and Juleka's help we will be done in no time!" Alya told Marinette.

"Thank you so much for your help, Alya, you're the best BFF ever!" Marinette hugged Alya, causing her to chuckle.

(Sukura41: Yeah right. You only say that when you want something from her. Fake a$$. 😒)

"That's the last one," Sabine informed as she set the last macaron pan on top of the pile. "We're done!"

"And it's all thanks to you super girls!" Tom told the four girls.

The bakery bell rings just then as Adrien and Kalianna enter. The noirette's arm was linked with the love of her life's.

"Hi everyone!" Adrien waved with his free hand.

Marinette gasps as her face gets flustered, but her blush quickly vanished and her mouth twisted into a scowl when she saw her rival attached to her obsession.

"What are you all doing here?" Kalianna inquired.

"None of your-"

"Helping out, and what are you guys doing here?" Alya probed, cutting Marinette off and giving her a pointed look.

The bluebell-eyed girl simply rolled her eyes.

"We wanted to grab a bite before going to the movies together," Kalianna told Alya before turning to Marinette. "What would you recommend Marinette?" She gave her a smug smile.

Marinette fumed with anger and jealousy, glaring daggers at the porcelain-skinned girl, wishing she could strangle her.

But she couldn't, because Adrien would be upset with her and maybe even stop being her friend.

(Sukura41: Which would be a good thing. 🥰)

"Listen, girls as a thank you for your precious help today we'd like to buy you all tickets to go the movies with your friends." Sabine spoke up.

"And as for snacks I'd recommend these delicious macarons. I heard they were baked by a bunch of supergirls." Tom says.

"Awesome!" Marinette says before smirking at Kalianna, who was frowning.

"Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng!" Adrien thanked the adults.

Kalianna's frown then twisted into a smile when she had an idea. "Actually Mr. Tom and Ms. Sabine, could you show me and Adrien how to make macarons like you do? I mean, I know how to make them but they're not as good as yours. Do you mind Adrien?" She looked up at the blonde.

"Not at all, I'd love to learn how to bake macarons." Adrien smiled.

"And I'd love to teach the both of you." Tom put his hands on his hips.

"We'll catch the movies some other day." Kalianna gave Marinette a "sweet" smile. "Looks like you'll have to go with the girls while me and Adrien spend time making macarons together Marinette."

Marinette growled while Kalianna and Adrien walked away with Tom.


Later on, the girls went to the movies together, besides having to drag a furious Marinette out of the bakery to prevent her from attacking Kalianna.

And while they were off, Adrien and Kalianna spent time together making mint macarons with the help of Tom.

Word Count: 913

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