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Scene: Kalianna's Room

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Scene: Kalianna's Room.

Kalianna is working on a homework essay.

"Write a short essay about someone who inspires you. Hmmm," Kalianna pondered.

"Do you already know who you're gonna write about, Kalianna?" Tikki asked, sitting on her owner's laptop.

"I'm not sure, Tikki. A lot of people inspire me every day. Like you, for instance." Kalianna says to her Kwami.

Tikki points to herself. "Meee?"

Kalianna laughs. "Of course! You're very wise, you give the best advice, and you're never judgmental,"

Tikki giggles. "Aww, thanks, Kalianna. That's so sweet of you to say."

"It's true! And you're also super fun and positive! You always find the silver lining even in the most desperate situations! I couldn't have asked for the better and more inspiring Kwami!"

"And I couldn't have asked for a better Kalianna!" Tikki hugs Kalianna, causing her to blush.

"Too bad Kwamis must remain a secret; I would have finished this essay in no time." Kalianna pouted.

Tikki giggles. "I know someone else you can write about."

"Really? Who?" Kalianna asked.

"Someone who inspires you a lot!" Tikki replies.

Kalianna blinks. "Come on Tikki! Who are you talking about?"

"Adrien!" Tikki disclosed.

Kalianna blushes. "Oh Tikki, you know I can't write about Adrien," She  begins doodling hearts in her book. "Although, I would have a lot to say about how smart, kind, gifted, and handsome he is."

Tikki chuckles. "I'm not sure Miss Bustier would find Adrien's handsomeness, relevant."

Kalianna smiles. "I know, I know. I still have to find someone though..." She gasped just then. "I know what to do!"

She grabbed her phone and went to her contacts.

"Who are you calling?" Tikki asked.

"Not calling. Video chatting!" Kalianna smiles as her phone rung.

The video call went through to reveal Adrien's face.

"Hey, Kalianna. How's the essay coming along?" Adrien questioned.

"I was just about to get started on it. But... I want us to do our essay together. I'm planning to write about your father and how much he inspired me to become a fashion designer." Kalianna blushes, tucking her bang behind her ear.

"Oh, that's cool. I've got no problem with that." Adrien smiles.

"So who are you writing about?" Kalianna probed.

"Well..." Adrien blushed and averted his eyes. "I'm actually gonna write about... you."

"Me?!" Kalianna shrieked, flustered.

"M-hm," Adrien nods. "Your super brave, kind, smart, talented, and pretty." He blushes once more.

"Wow, I, heh. That's nice of you to say. L-Let's get started shall we?" Kalianna quizzed.

Adrien chuckled. "We shall."

Kalianna shared a smile with Tikki.


For the rest of the day, Adrien and Kalianna continued to work together on their homework essay.

Word Count: 453

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