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Scene: Lang Mansion

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Scene: Lang Mansion.

"Bye Uncle Trent and Aunt Michelle!" Maya waves her legal guardians goodbye before closing the door. She walks down the steps, making her way to the gate before opening it, exiting through it.

Half an hour goes by as she walks along the sidewalk, making her way to school.

Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont.

Maya finally arrives and gets out a stick of bubblegum, crumpling up the wrapper and tossing it away as she puts the bubblegum in her mouth, proceeded to chew on it while she made her way up the steps.

She enters the courtyard, looking around for her friends.

"May!" Kalianna called to her, gesturing for her to come over to the bench she and the girls were sitting on.

Maya pops her bubblegum, walking over to her friends, overhearing Lila talking to two girls.

"I'm planning to get into modeling soon, that's if I can get any offers since Kalianna's been taking all the spotlight," Lila frowns sadly.

"I agree with you, it's kinda unfair," A brunette agrees with Lila's words.

"But you can't really blame Kalianna, she's a model," The other purple-haired girl defends Kalianna.

"Still though, she could ease up a bit and let other people shine. She's not even that special," The brunette rolls her eyes.

Lila feels smug that someone agrees with her. "I know right? I'm so glad you agree,"

Maya scowls at the random brunette who was practically slandering her friend's name before she stormed over to the girls, her black ankle YSL boots clicking at each step.

"It's the truth after all. Kalianna acts like she's all that, when in reality she's not. She's just some random girl who got famous out of nowhere," The brunette crosses her arms, jealousy radiating off of her in waves.

Lila noticed Maya storming over just then and gave her a fake smile. "Hey Maya, what's up?"

"Shut the fvck up," Maya spat before turning to the brunette who was talking bad about Kalianna. "Did I just hear you talking sh1t about my friend b1tch?"

Kalianna along with Mireille, Giselle, and Aurore got up from the bench, growing curious as to why Maya was about to go off on the random brunette. As they neared closer, the said brunette girl rolled her eyes.

"I said what I said,"

"Your saying is bullsh1t. If you're jealous because Kalianna's a successful model and on her way to being a fashion designer, just say that to her face. Don't be over here agreeing with what this b1tch has to say about my friend," Maya points at Lila.

"Okay, just calm down," The purple-haired girl told Maya.

The black/pinknette sneers at her. "Do me a favor and stay out of this, I heard you try to defend Kalianna but you still allowed these tramps to talk down on her, so shut up,"

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