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Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont

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Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont. Art Room.

The Art members are doing their own thing.

Alix is spraying the graffiti wall, Nathaniel and Marc are working on their comic book, Kalianna is sewing gold details on a lovely red ballerina uniform, Giselle is sitting down writing lyrics for her new song, and Hiro is painting a samurai kneeling to a Sakura tree.

"Who's that ballerina outfit for Kali?" Giselle asks her best friend.

"It's for Sydney. She's playing the antagonist Lady Flame for her ballerina play on Saturday." Kalianna replies.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Jean-Pierre says.

The door cracks open, and a Chinese boy with black eyes peeks his head in. He had on a black beanie, and under it was black hair with jet-blue hues.

"Uh, hello," The boy slowly enters. "This is the art class right?"

"You'd be correct!" Jean-Pierre stands up, approaching the boy. "I'm Jean-Pierre Monlataing. You?" He holds out his hands.

"I'm Ace," The boy shakes the teacher's hand. "So I was wondering... do you guys do Shakespeare? Drama?" He asks, sounding hopeful.

This catches Kalianna's attention, and she looks at Ace.

"Like plays?" Jean-Pierre rose an eyebrow. "We've never done that before," He scratches the side of his head.

"O-Oh," Ace deflates, disappointed. "Okay, I'll just go now..." He turns, beginning to leave.

"Wait!" Kalianna stops him and he turns to her as she advanced towards him. "You're intrested in Shakespeare?"

Ace looks at her, his eyes widening when he examined her lovely appearance. "Y-Y..." He stutters, blushing, he then clears his throat. "Yes!" He smiles broadly. "I love William Shakespeare and his plays, especially Romeo and Juliet,"

"You wanna put on a play?" Jean-Pierre puts his hands on his hips.

By now, the rest teens had turned to look at Ace.

The Chinese boy nods vigorously. "I hosted a few plays back at my old school, so I was hoping I could hold one here in this school. I-I've been here a couple months and I was too shy to say anything, but my classmates Mireille and Aurore encouraged me to come here,"

"Oh, cool, Mireille and Aurore are my friends. But what's your play gonna be about? And what's it called?" Kalianna tilts her head.

Ace fumbles to get something out of his black satchel. "The play is called 'Candy Kingdom'." He then acquires a script. "It has sixty-five pages that I wrote up myself," He offers the script to Jean-Pierre and he takes it, beginning to read it, flipping the page.

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