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Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont

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Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont. Art Room.

Kalianna is sewing up the back of a emerald dress swiftly. On her desk lays four other outfits.

Marinette, who is sketching an outfit in her sketchbook, looks up at the noirette. "Wow, this is your fifth outfit! Are you... on a deadline?"

"Yep, got five commissions yesterday so I decided to work on the outfits today. I'm delivering one in half an hour, two tomorrow, and the other two on Saturday," Kalianna explains, still sewing up the back of the short emerald dress.

"Those outfits look awesome Kalianna," Marc praises, sitting next to Nathaniel.

"He's right, you've got pro skills," Nathaniel complimented his friend.

"Thanks boys," Kalianna smiles at the two.

There was a knock on the door before Lila entered, causing Marinette, and Hiro, who was painting a Zen garden, to roll their eyes.

"Hi guys!" Lila waves.

"Hey Lila," Some of the teens greeted.

"I just wanted to see what you all were doing in here," Lila then notices Kalianna, who is now putting invisible glue on the skirt of the emerald dress. "That dress is really pretty Kalianna!"

The amber-eyed girl looks at her before looking back at the dress. "Thank you Lila," She takes a container of gold sparkles off her desk, opening it.

Lila sees the other outfits on the desk and crosses her arms. "Y'know, you shouldn't be using the sewing machine so much. You could break it since your constantly using it, and it wouldn't be fair to others who wants to use the machine."

Kalianna frowns, sprinkling the golden sparkles on the dress's skirt, which immediately clung to the fabric since it had glue on it.

"Did you hear me Kalianna?" Lila innocently tilts her head.

"Leave her alone Lila," Marinette snaps at the scarlet brunette.

"I don't mean to sound rude! I was just saying maybe she should be more considerate, I'm just trying to look out for everyone else," Lila puts a hand to her chest, a "concerned" look on her face.

"We appreciate that Lila, but Kalianna here actually bought the sewing machine for the art class," Jean-Pierre informed.

Lila was taken aback by the reveal. "What?"

Jean-Pierre nods. "Yeah, along with the other sewing supplies."

"Oh, well I didn't know that. But still, she could ease up a little," Lila voices her opinion.

Kalianna turns to her with a frown. "Lila, I bought the machine and the other sewing stuff with MY own money that I earned through hard work. If anyone deserves to use the sewing machine the most, it's me."

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