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Scene: Luka & Juleka's Room

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Scene: Luka & Juleka's Room.

Luka is on his bed, his eyes closed as he plays his guitar. Unfortunately, he strums a cord that throws the whole tune off-beat. He sighs, trying again, only to play two wrong cords. He huffs and puts his guitar aside.

Juleka, who is brushing her hair by her vanity, looks at her twin brother and notices his distress. "What's wrong?"

"I'm trying to play a tune, a really romantic tune for Kalianna. I want her to know and feel how much she means to me. But I keep messing up the cords on the last beat." Luka frowns.

"Make a different tune then," Juleka suggested, resuming brushing her hair. "That tune is clearly getting you frustrated so make a different one, close your eyes and... go with the flow. That's what you always tell me,"

Luka smiles at his twin sister. "Thanks Jule," He then closed his eyes, letting his fingers strum across the guitar strings.

After he finished playing, he heard sniffling. He opened his eyes to see Juleka crying. He grew worried. "Juleka," He set aside his guitar and got up from his bed, going to the girl. "What's wrong?"

"It was... so beautiful," Juleka murmured as she wiped her flowing tears.

Luka chuckled and grabbed her shoulders. "I think I found the one,"


Scene: Kalianna's Room.

Kalianna, in her pajamas, has just finished designing an outfit. "Okay, outfit for a client, complete," She yawned. "Thanks for helping me out Tikki," She thanked her Kwami.

"No problem, but I think it's time we get some sleep now," Tikki yawns, wearing a tiny pink onesie.

The two head to bed and Kalianna claps twice before the lights turned off.

"Goodnight Tikki," The noirette says, laying her head on her pillow.

"Goodnight Kalianna," Tikki lays beside her.

The two then closed their eyes, drifting to sleep.

However, Kalianna was awoken by the start of a beautiful melody.

The ravenette got out of bed as the melody continued. She made her way towards her balcony doors and opened them, making her way out onto her balcony, where the tune grew much more clearer.

"Huh?" Kalianna, confused, walked to the railing and looked down. She gasped when she saw it was Luka himself.

The handsome boy was the one playing the passionate tune.

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