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(Sukura41: This chapter is a continuation of the chapter Secrets

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(Sukura41: This chapter is a continuation of the chapter Secrets.)

Scene: Kalianna's Room.

After many tears were shed, Kalianna explained to Giselle that not only was she Lady Luck, but she was also the new Guardian of the Miracle Box. She explained to her best friend how she was overwhelmed and that she didn't know who to talk too, to which Giselle gave her a hug.

"You know what would make you feel better?" The singer asks.

"What?" Kalianna looks at her.

"Eating a gourmet meal and dessert at Laurentiis, then helping me work on my new song," Giselle smiles.

"Mmmm, I couldn't have said it better myself," Kalianna smiles as well.

Giselle looks at the Kwamis, who are staring at her. "Kali," She whispered to her.


"Why are all these Kwamis staring at me?"

Kalianna looks at the Kwamis. "Oh," She giggles sheepishly. "I should probably introduce you to them,"

"Yeah..." Giselle agrees, eyeing the unblinking Kwamis uncomfortably. "You should."


Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont. Next Day.

Kalianna and Giselle exit the De-Sinclair car together with Starbucks cups. Both have Iced toasted vanilla oatmilk shaken espresso.

The former takes a sip of her drink and sighs in content. "This is exactly what I needed for a week back at school,"

"Told you, a Starbucks drink always gets you ready for the morning," Giselle says, sipping her drink as well.

Both girls then began walking up the steps, chatting.

Mireille, Maya, and Aurore were at the top conversing when they heard Kalianna laugh at something Giselle said. They couldn't believe their ears, Kalianna was laughing! She hadn't laughed in a while!

"Hey girls," The noirette smiled brightly at them, taking a sip of her Starbucks.

"Wow, Kalianna, hi!" Mireille greets, still shocked.

"You're absolutely glowing right now," Aurore comments.

"As I should," Kalianna flips her ponytail. "I just cut a toxic person out of my life,"

"Who?" The girls asked.

"Alya," Kalianna smirks.

"Alya?!" Aurore and Mireille were surprised.

"It was about time anyway. Didn't Alya defend Lila even though she harrassed Gigi's boyfriend?" Maya recalls, now texting on her phone.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna be talking to her either," Giselle frowns.

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