Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Ava, if this is a game, its got to stop now," Shane gritted his teeth as he stared at a smiling Ava.

She shrugged. "You're seeing a picture of him. Dallas is clearly your son. He's got your eyes, your hair, even the same jawline." Ava pointed out. "You can compare it to your picture at that age. I got it from your mum's Facebook account." She swiped the screen of her iPhone to another picture. This one showed a five year old Shane who was grinning at the camera.

"I really don't see the resemblance," Shane frowned. If Ava had pulled him away from Josie to feed him bullshit, he wasn't just going to sit down and digest it. He wondered what she was doing now, hopefully, she hadn't seen him walking out with Ava.

"Right." Ava rolled her eyes, then swiped the screen again. The next photo had Shane and Dallas in it, both at the same age and grinning at the camera.

Shane took one look at the photo, then stepped back. The child was his exact replica. He held his head in his hands, then groaned with his eyes tightly closed. He wondered if Ava would finally disappear if he closed them for long enough. He spared her a glance, then frowned when he saw a victorious smile on her face. She didn't know he was looking at her, her head was bent towards the phone, but it was hard to miss the smug look on her face.

"So?" He asked her, then watched her hide the smile with a bored look. "We'll see the doctors tomorrow morning, my doctors."

Ava looked flustered at the mention of doctors. "What for?"

"A paternity test of course. Have you forgotten you were screwing Luca at the time? All the Malcolm men look alike, I'm slightly different cause I took my mum's eyes. This child could be Jason's or Luca's." Shane smiled at her. She looked thrown off and confused.

"But he's got your eyes, that's not common with your brothers. They, along with your father have blue eyes."

"Ava, your eyes are gray. Just like mine, the kid's eye is exactly the same shade of gray you have."

Ava looked as if she wanted to say something, but quickly shut her mouth, her lips set in a thin line. She nodded in response. "I'll be at your office at ten tomorrow morning. I'll bring Dallas."

Shane smirked at her, then turned to walk back in. His very intent was to get to Josie and take her upstairs, he wanted to feel her close to him, he wanted to see her, listen to her. Shane shook his head, confused as to where his head was.

"Here's the man of the hour."

Shane felt the hair at his nape rising, he had never forgotten that voice. "Dunstan." He turned slowly to face him.

The older man's face hardened at the use of his given name. "It used to be dad, Harvard."

"My name is Shane." Shane balled his hands into fists. He hated how much of a resemblance he had with his father.

"Right. I saw you were avoiding us, we're family you know."

Shane glared at him. "You stopped being family the moment you fucked another woman."

Dunstan Malcolm sighed, his shoulders hunching. "I apologized to your mother. I love Monica, more than I ever loved your mother. I just wish you'd understand, you can't just say no to love."

"I don't want to listen to your sob story, Dunstan. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my date."

"Ah, beautiful woman you have there. You should always keep an eye on her. I just saw her walk out with Jason, I hope history isn't repeating itself," Dunstan smiled then turned to go.

Shane punched the nearest wall. His father had hit him where it mattered, even though he had no feelings whatsoever for Ava, he couldn't help but fear if history was repeating itself. He hadn't fully recovered from Ava's betrayal, he didn't think he'd be able to live with himself if Josie was taken from him.

He hurried back into the hall. He searched for her amidst the other guests, wondering where she was. She wasn't where he left her, nor was she anywhere near there. In his hurry, he failed to see the shorter woman in front of him.

"Watch it, Malcolm. Are you back from your evening dalliances?" Daisy smiled frostily at him. He ignored her statement, deciding it was what he could always find out later.

"Where's she? Where's Josie?"

"She went up, she needed to rest her head. You know, to clear the alcohol."

"Alcohol? She's never touched the stuff before, she said she had never had a reason to drink."

"Well, now she has a reason," Daisy shrugged. "Apparently, she saw you leaving with Avabitch. What were you thinking?"

"I'll explain later. I need to find her." He rushed to the elevators.

Somehow, he knew he wouldn't find her anywhere upstairs. He only hoped his instincts were wrong.

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