Chapter Twenty Nine

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It was cold; teeth chattering, gut wrenching, blood curdling, icy cold. Her body was numb, and she slipped in and out of consciousness. The only times she had felt this cold was during her mother's punishments.

Jocelyn tried to assure herself of waking up from the dreadful dream, but it felt too real to be a dream. Nevertheless, she wanted to wake up, wanted it to be a dream, because the reality of this was traumatic.

"You're up." Jocelyn could recognize the voice anytime, the owner had brought her to this world, that voice had cooed lullabies to her, had soothed her fears. It was the same voice that had later brought her fear, hate and dug a void so big that it couldn't be filled in her life.

Jocelyn forced her eyes open and stared at Elaine Williams, mother dearest. As she came to her senses, she felt the mind numbing pain in her head and knees. She was propped up in a position between sitting and lying down, leaving her knees bent in a painful manner. Add the pain to the cold, and it was a wonder she was even conscious.

"Aren't you gonna ask me what happened? How I got you here?" Elaine asked. She still looked young for her age of fifty four, and the designer gown she had on emphasized her beauty.

"Please, untie me, my hands ache." She tried to wiggle her hands out of the bonds, but she was too weak to move.

As expected, Elaine laughed. "Well, allow me to remind you. While I was talking to you, your husband's brother, the bigger one...what's his name again?" Elaine's eyes had a wicked glint in them, and they were somewhat shifty. Jocelyn wondered if her mother was high.

"Ah, Lucas! That's the one." She snapped her fingers, then laughed. "Well, it was all planned out. Ava worked for me, she told me about the guy who had dumped her and was getting engaged to another. She pulled out a picture of the new girl, imagine my surprise when I found out it was my Lyn darling, making the same mistakes her mother made. So, I came up with the master plan, Ava was delighted. Luca loved the idea of hurting his big brother, it was all so perfect! Now, I've gotten a second chance to do what I should have done a long time ago."

"Do what, mom?"

"Kill you of course." Elaine stood from the wooden chair she had placed in front of the refrigerator, then turned it off. "You're cold enough now."

Jocelyn thought of a way to get out of the situation, while her mother began pulling out knives. Jocelyn took the moment to look around, it looked like they were in the basement of a house. She could see the driveway through the tiny window from where she was, and it was very deserted.

"Why do you want to kill me, mom? What have I ever done to you?" Jocelyn swallowed back her tears, she couldn't be weak at this point.

Elaine whirled around, knives in each hand, eyes blazing. "You destroyed everything! Your dad and I were happy, then you came along, and everything changed. You needed too much attention, taking care of you took up my time, and soon, I was neglecting your father. He started drinking and became violent, he hated you. My friends introduced me to some pills, to help with the depression you know, and soon I hated you. I mean, why wouldn't I? You destroyed our relationship! Well, as you grew up, your dad suddenly loved you. He ignored me, showered you with all the love, so you had to be punished!" Elaine's eyes had darkened, and Jocelyn confirmed her assumptions. Her mother was truly mad!

"That's when you started locking me up to punish me," Jocelyn muttered, her teeth chattering. She could feel her consciousness slipping away, the water was too cold.

"Yes, that's how it began. Now its more than punishment, its making things right. Your dad would finally love me, we'll be happy again."

"Dad's dead! You fucking killed him." Jocelyn tried real hard to not raise her voice, it wouldn't do her any good to infuriate Elaine any more than necessary.

"No! He's in my head, he wants this. He wants us to be happy." Elaine bent, carefully arranging the knives on the floor. She patted Jocelyn's hair. "It'd be like you were never born, no one is going to know," she cooed.

"Shane will, he'll come looking for me, and he'll find me."

"Therein lies your mistake. I had known you were alive, I knew where you lived, I even designed your wedding dress, Maria is such a dear, but I ignored you. That's because you were not getting married, I love you Lyn. I didn't want you to make the same mistakes, I didn't want you hurt when your husband abandons you. So I'm saving you, Lyn."

"By killing me? You're crazy!" Jocelyn yelled.

Elaine slapped her hard, then picked up a baseball bat that Jocelyn hadn't noticed earlier. "I'm your mother, dammit. You can't talk to me like that." And with that, she raised the bat and struck.

Jocelyn was out cold a moment later, her last thoughts were of Shane as she wished he'd do the impossible and find her.

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