Chapter Eighteen

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"What do you mean she said hi?" Eric asked Shane while he tried to hold his head from falling off due to the force of his laughter.

Shane scowled at Eric and poured himself another shot of whiskey. "Yeah, then she just sat there with Daisy. I mean, even Daisy looked pissed. Her greeting had lacked the usual Daisy vibe."

Eric shook his head. "It means she doesn't care what you do with your personal time or she's mad as fuck. I really hope she's mad, bro. We don't want someone unfeeling now, do we? I get that its a marriage of convenience, but she has to care at least a little." Eric snorted. "Daisy is very loyal, she texted me that Jocelyn seemed like a really good person and that they were having fun. She also called you some choice names I'm not going to ever repeat."

"I don't think she's mad at me." Shane downed the drink and shrugged out of his jacket.

"Hey honey. Didn't expect you back this soon," Maria called from the top of the stairs.

Shane groaned then left the stool he had been sitting on to go greet his mother. "Hi mom. Hope you slept well?" He kissed her cheeks.

"Its just past noon, Harvie. A little too early to imbibe. Surely you could have waited till much later in the day. Shouldn't you be at work?" Maria's brow rose in the perfect arch that only she could pull off. One of her brows lifted up and the other remained a perfect penciled line on her face. Shane hadn't gotten this look in a long time.

Eric went to kiss her cheeks too. "Hi, Mrs Malcolm."

Maria immediately beamed, forgetting to be mad at her son. She had known the man for most of his life and cared for him almost as much as her child. "Hey Eric, saw Daisy a while ago. When do you guys plan on tying the knot?" She wiggled her eyebrow suggestively. Eric immediately blushed.

Shane shrugged, pouring another drink when his mother turned to look at him again. "Stressful day."

Maria looked as if she had other things to say, but she quickly shook her head. "Okay. I have a date, I'll be back later in the night. Say hi to Josie for me." She walked past them.

"Mom? A date?" Shane's frown and worried expression immediately transformed into a smirk. This was good info to tease her with later.

"What? I still have sex on a regular basis," Maria laughed as Shane's smirk immediately disappeared, replaced by a frown. "Don't act so shocked, baby."

Shane choked on his drink, watching as she shut the door behind her. There were some things a child shouldn't be privileged to hear from their parents and this was definitely at the top of the list. However the thought of his mother dating again, after all this years scared him. He could only hope she was seriously guarding her heart, there was only so much hurt she could handle, and seeing his mother hurt would also be painful for him.

"I really do love your mother," Eric laughed.

Shane glared at him. "Seems you'll be laughing a lot more today."

"Come on man. Just talk to Josie, she has the right to know some basic stuffs about you. Loveless marriage or not." Eric patted Shane's back, then pulled the glass and bottle of whiskey away from him.

The front door opened again, Daisy and Josie breezed in, laughing loudly.

Daisy was the first to notice the two men, as she hurried to her boyfriend's side. "Hey baby." She threw her arms around him and kissed him.

Shane looked at Jocelyn, wondering what she'd do next.

Jocelyn slipped off her shoes and headed into the kitchen. "Hi Shane," she added as an afterthought just before she shut the door.

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