Chapter Twenty One

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Jocelyn woke up to three things; the ringing alarm, Shane's high temperature and his unbelievable hard on that was pressing against her butt crack.

His hot chest was glued to her back, he was breathing laboriously slow; his hot breath fanning her neck. She jumped out of the bed, which was a feat, considering the way Shane's arms were holding her tightly.

She shook him awake, already frantic. "Shane? You gotta wake up."

He groaned, then turned, laying flat on his stomach. His shirt was damp with sweat. "My head aches," he moaned, turning to face her. He sneezed twice, Jocelyn stepped away from him, putting herself far from his germs.

He slowly sat up, then glanced at the clock on his nightstand. "Shit, I'm late." He tossed off his shirt and sat up, moving to stand and walk towards the bathroom. He wobbled on his feet, then landed in a heap on the bed, his leg hanging out and grazing the floor.

Jocelyn laughed, his eyes were puffy, and his nose was red.

He finally noticed her. "I think I'm sick," he smiled. "You should go, before you get it too. Its probably the flu."

"Nah. I think I'll still catch the germs, anyway." She went to the bed, then placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

"Can you call my mom?" Shane's voice was low. "I can't go through this without her."

"Someone's a big baby," she smiled, stroking his hair. He glared at her. "Don't worry, I got you. I'll call a doctor for a prescription, then get Ray to pick them." Ray was Shane's driver.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked. "How's your feet?"

Jocelyn found herself smiling again. It was surprising to see Shane consider her first when he was the sick one. "It's all good. I can walk." She stepped away from the bed, trying to walk without adding much pressure to her heel.

He nodded, then dragged his body completely into the bed. "Thanks for staying Josie."

"I'll go make you breakfast. A plate of steaming soup ought to warm you up and provide energy," she grinned.

Shane closed his eyes as she walked away. His head was pounding and he felt feverish.

Jocelyn hummed as she made soup for him, enjoying her surprisingly light mood. Sleeping beside Shane seemed to have erased most of her stress.

She sighed, imagining how he'd feel beside her, clothes off. She sipped her coffee, a small smile tugging on her lips.

The kitchen phone rang and she grabbed it. It was the doctor calling to give her a prescription. Shane had called to tell him his symptoms, and had been too tired to write down the drugs.

She wrote them down, then thanked the man. When he ended the call, she called the lobby, asking them to send Ray up.

She stirred the contents of her pot, smiling at the aroma wafting up to her nose. She wasn't as great a cook as Shane, but she had put in her best.

She heard the knock a few minutes after.

"Hey, Missy," Ray beamed at her when she pulled open the doors. He was a large man that looked cuddly like a teddy bear. His hair was mostly grey and he stopped a little. He looked old enough to be her grandfather and was still handsome. In his prime, Ray probably would have caused a lot of heartache.

"Ray. Good morning. Hope I'm not bothering you, but Shane's sick. I can't leave him to go to the pharmacy. Can you help pick up some drugs?" She asked, hoping he wasn't busy.

"Of course, Missy. Mr Malcolm hardly ever let's me do my job, driving himself everywhere. I'll pick up the drugs for you, I hate feeling useless," he laughed, showing white straight teeth with one tooth missing. It added to the old man's charms; turning his perfect smile into something more special.

She beamed at him and his age-weathered cheeks reddened. "Great. I'll just go grab the list." She hurried into the kitchen, Ray close behind.

"Smells great in here. Reminds me of my ma's kitchen." Ray sniffed.

"You should drop by for dinner, Ray. I'll make spaghetti."

"No, ma'am. That would be inappropriate."

Jocelyn shook her head, "I insist."

Ray sighed, "Some other time, maybe. Besides, Mr Malcolm will need a lot of your attention now that he's sick. I should go." He nodded at her, walking out of the kitchen with the prescription.

She hurried to her pot, stirring it one more time before turning off the gas burner. She scooped a healthy quantity into a bowl, placed it on a tray, then selected Shane's favorite orange juice.

She carried the tray upstairs, assuming it was the wifely thing to do.

"My lovely Josie, playing pretend nurse. Will you dress up in those sexy outfits? With thigh highs and all?" Shane asked, sitting up in bed. He was clearly enjoying being the sick one.

Jocelyn placed the tray on the nightstand, then smacked his arm. "Soaking up the attention, are we?"

He scowled at her, "I'm the sick one. You shouldn't be hitting me."

She ruffled his hair. "I'm spanking the flu out of you."

His eyes lit up. "You want me to spank you?"

She smacked his arm again. "Nice try. Now open up." She scooped a small quantity of soup into a spoon and held it up for him.

"I wish I wasn't sick. I love you ordering me about." He dragged a pillow to cover the front of his sweatpants.

Jocelyn blushed furiously, but still managed to tease him. "Then you should hurry up and get well," she winked.

Awww, my poor baby is sick.

Please let's vote for him to get well.

I love y'all.

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