Chapter Twenty Six

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Shane made his way to the bar deciding now was as good time as any to have a few shots of whiskey, speech and guests be damned. The bartender gave him a worried look as he pushed the whole bottle to Shane.

"You're not going to drown your anger in drinks. I need you to be in complete control of your senses when they confront you." Maria placed a hand on her son's shoulders, turning him around. "Look at me, baby. Your father has nothing on you, absolutely nothing. You can't let him keep doing this to you, to us. We are stronger than this." Tears were gathering in her eyes now.

Shane stared at the bottle, avoiding his mother's gaze at all cost. Why now? He asked himself. The bastard had missed his highschool and college graduation, had missed all the important celebrations, the birthdays, now he was getting married and the man dared to show his face. He had even gone as far as bringing his dysfunctional family with him.

"Look at me Shane. You're not that six year old watching his pa disrespect his mother. You're not that teenager who's seeking acceptance from your father, not anymore. You're a grown man, you've got me and Josie, Daisy and Eric, we're all you need, all that matters."

Josie. She was smart, funny, confident, strong and so beautiful.

"Shane? Are you okay?" Eric was asking as he tried to wrestle the bottle from Shane's grip. The bartender had long abandoned them, giving them space to do what was necessary without attracting the guests.

Shane left the bottle, turning to pull his mother into a tight hug. "I love you so much mum, even when I'm being an ass by not visiting. I'm so sorry."

"Its okay, son."

"If you need me to handle the speech I'll do it, all you have to do is fetch Josie, smile a lot at the guest and then you can go up."

"Thanks for having my back man," he muttered, Maria still in his embrace.

"Anytime." Eric patted his shoulder.

Someone cleared their throat, bringing Shane's head away from his mother's neck.

"Someone's clingy. Hi Maria." Jocelyn smiled at them. "Are you okay, honey?"

Honey? Shane chuckled awkwardly. "I've been waiting for you. You look good, as always." He wrapped his arms around her.

"Thanks Shane."

They leaned into each other forgetting Maria was with them until she cleared her throat, making up some excuse about seeing to the guests.

Shane stared deep into Jocelyn's eyes for a few seconds, his heart hammering inside his chest. "I want to say something crazy."

Josie's hands went around his neck, a smile playing on her lips. "You're crazy, but I'm listening."

"I think I'm in-" The loud boom of a microphone stilled the words. "Crap, we should move towards the center." He tugged on her arm, his heart beating wildly.

"What were you saying?"

"Later, Josie," Shane muttered. His eyes zeroed in on a gray haired man who had an arm around a petite redhead.

The man turned to look at Shane, he gave Shane a small smile then whispered something to the redhead, who in turn looked at Shane, her features hardening.

Shane moved towards Eric, putting as much space as possible between himself and the man. Josie didn't miss the interaction, but decided it was best to stay quiet about it.

Eric was already rounding up his rather short speech, he shook hands with Neil Black before picking up the microphone again. "And the most important news for the night. Our very on poster child for bachelors is getting married."

The guests erupted into applause, they didn't need to hear Shane's name to know it was him.

"Come on Shane, Josie. We all want to see you."

Shane placed an arm around Jocelyn's waist, leading her to the spotlights. Spotlight? Who the hell had brought that here?

Shane received another round of handshakes, hugs, congratulations and slaps to the back as they made their way to Eric. The guests gushed on about how pretty Josie was. Shane couldn't have been more proud.

"You can make your escape now," Eric whispered in Shane's ears as he patted his friend's back, then he released him to pull Josie into a hug. "Congratulations!"

Shane took Jocelyn to the dance floor amidst cheers. Dancing really wasn't what he wanted to be doing at the moment. He wanted to peel off her dress and have his sweet time with her, his earlier almost confessions at the back of his mind.

"Shane, my feet hurts," Jocelyn frowned.

"I'm sorry, let's go have a seat. I'll get us drinks." He made sure she was comfortable before heading towards the bar.

"Finally, I didn't think I could stomach another round of you and her."

Shane felt Ava's presence before he recognized her voice. He kept on walking, wishing she'd disappear and leave him the hell alone. He hadn't forgotten that she had confronted his fiancee and made her upset.

She didn't disappear. Instead she laced her arm through his own. "There's something you have to know, Shane."

"Leave me the fuck alone."

"Its important, and its not something you want people to hear." She traced his biceps, purring.


"I have a son. He's five years old, and he's yours."

Another successful finish

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