Chapter Twenty Four

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Shane hesitated, freeing his buttons slowly. Jocelyn held his gaze, her lips were slightly swollen and pink. She had on a dazed look with her lips that were slightly parted invitingly, Shane was proud that he was the person to put that look on her face.

She pouted, for the first time, and shifted restlessly on the bed. "You're taking years, sir."

Shane finally tossed off his shirt, then leaned in. "Say that again."


"You called me sir, I like that." He kissed the side of her mouth and her lashes fluttered close.

Jocelyn giggled, then slapped her hands over her mouth.

"Its okay. I like that I make you lose control, that I make you blush, and pout." Shane winked. Her cheeks flamed again. Shane could feel himself straining in his pants, it took all his willpower to not thrust into her. He wanted badly, to feel her tighten around him, to hear her moan his name.

Jocelyn shook her head. "I haven't done any of this before,"  she whispered, then drew him in for a kiss, stopping whatever protest he had bubbling at the back of his mind. "But I want you, right now." She pulled away to stare at him.

"Are you sure, Josie? I don't think I can be that gentle, I haven't done this since you moved in."

"Then don't be," Jocelyn whispered tracing the edge of his tattoo, then down his chest. She felt the hard ridges of muscles, wondering when he had the time to visit a gym. Her hands went dangerously low, causing Shane to tense and then shiver. Before she could go any further, Shane gripped her hands, pinning them to the headboard.

He kissed the top of her breast, tracing lazy circles around it with his tongue. He caught the other breast with his free hand, then pinched it lightly, eliciting a moan from her.

Shane looked up at her to find her eyes closed. "Open your eyes baby, let me see what I do to you." She obeyed.

He tugged on her lacy panties, widening her legs in the process. She didn't protest, instead she ground herself into his hand, seeking for his touch. Shane bit back a groan. He released her to work on his belt buckle, tugging it down with his briefs.

Jocelyn's gaze followed his movement. "I pegged you for a briefs kind of guy. I was right." Then she gasped as she got a better look at him. "You're big. How can that possibly fit?" Her eyes widened, but she didn't pull away in horror. She seemed intrigued.

Shane didn't think he could get any harder, but watching her watch him, it was arousing to say the least. He dipped his fingers into her heated core and was pleased with how wet and ready she was for him. He bent his head and kissed her folds, parting them open with his fingers.

Jocelyn jerked on the bed, her hands tugging at his head to pull him away. "Stop, its too much."

Shane sniffed, "You smell so good, so heady."

Jocelyn blushed in embarrassment, even as she found herself pulling him closer.

"Oh my God!"

Shane's head shot up, and Jocelyn's eyes widened as they both glanced towards the door.

"I'm sorry, but I knocked." Daisy's gaze were locked in the direction of Shane's back.

"Stop staring," Shane muttered, pulling one of the towels from the bed around his waist. He walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Jocelyn groaned, then palmed her face. "What is it?" She tugged a towel to herself.

"Way to go girl. I saw Ava come out of the elevator, was searching for you ever since. But guess who utilize their time doing something orgasmic?" She waited a bit. "You."

Jocelyn blushed furiously, then began picking up her clothes. Her underwear was too wet, both from the shower and from Shane's assault on her senses. She pulled on a new pair of underwear, then grabbed  sweatpants.

"What do you think you are doing? You have a house full of guests!" Daisy almost yelled. Her face relaxed into a smirk. "Your head is still in the clouds, huh?"

Jocelyn gasped, running around for her dress. "I totally forgot." She pulled on her dress, then turned to Daisy to help her zip up.

Shane walked in, already dressed and all traces of what they had done gone. He had even fixed his hair. "You still look good, Josie," he muttered, grabbing her waist and kissing her. "I'll be waiting in the hall."

Jocelyn's eyes were still closed even after he left, she caressed her lips where his had been.

Daisy groaned, "Snap out of it, blush queen."


Daisy shook her head. "Go sit down. I have to fix your hair and makeup again."

When Jocelyn was finally settled in the chair, Daisy asked. "How was it? The heads, I mean. I remember Eric telling me that Shane was not into all that stuff."

"You guys are awfully comfortable with this type of things. Why would Eric even tell you that?" Jocelyn stared at the woman in the mirror and Daisy lifted a brow in response. "I don't kiss and tell. Besides, you came in when he started," Jocelyn muttered, looking away from the mirror.

"I've been told I have horrible timing," Daisy laughed as she gathered Jocelyn's hair in a high ponytail. "So did you meet Ava?"

"I actually did. She still has a key to this place! How crazy is that?" Jocelyn's eyes widened.

"You'll find out soon how crazy she is. I actually thought we were done seeing her around. Its probably because the news of your engagement has been going around. I bet she's threatened that someone else would have as much impact as she did in his life.".

"Well I'm looking forward to meeting her again. She's a grade A bitch," Jocelyn muttered, loving her hair that Daisy had managed to coax into softening her face. Usually, when she wore a ponytail she looked severe. It was really nice to see her face like this.

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