Chapter Twenty Five

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Shane walked right into Eric when he came out of the elevator. "Watch it man."

"Yeah? You're the one who's grinning at nothing, and not watching where he's going."

Shane's grin widened. "Yeah? I guess I just have a good reason to smile, right?"

"You do? I think you're enjoying your fake engagement a lot more than I expected," Eric muttered as he fell in stride next to his best friend.

He and Shane had been close since they'd been kids; both attending the same daycare, often sharing nannies, same highschool and then college. It had almost been expected for them to both take a class in marketing, but Shane had taken a course in business management while Eric stuck with marketing. Together, they had been quite the pair. Eric's charisma and Shane's business acumen had been the perfect combination to ace their start up business assignment. They weren't partners, -Shane owned Malcolm Investments, Eric was at the very forefront of marketing given the fact that he was the president of the Marketing unit, and he was Shane's right hand man-, but Shane accorded him the rights and privileges equal partners had, and Eric was greatly respected.

The hall was filled with the crème de la cream of the cooperate world dressed in tuxedos and elegant gowns. Waiters passed by with trays loaded with glasses of champagne, while most of the guests were dancing to the soft background music that did nothing to hinder the conversations going on in different small groups scattered around. The rest of the guests were at the bar for something a little stronger than the champagne the waiters offered. A few seconds after the men entered, the music was drowned out by the sounds of applause.

"Thank you.'' Shane smiled in reply to the hugs, handshakes and various pats on the back.

"Anything yet? From the Blacks?" Eric asked when they were seated at the bar.

"I'm not supposed to be spilling this, but since you had a hand in this as much as I did, its only fair that you know." Shane paused for effect, his smile widening. "We bought the company!"

"What? That quick? The man's been sitting on this deal for months, and then because you're getting married he finally lets up?" Eric was frowning.

"So it seems."

"How did he know you're getting married? I thought he was supposed to know today. Did you tell him?"

"I didn't, but he might have heard from someone. Its not as if I'm being closemouthed about getting married. I don't exactly care how he knows, it worked out and that's what matters." Shane turned towards the bartender.

"Not now man. We ain't touching any drinks till we get this party started and you've delivered your speech." Eric tugged on his sleeves, he looked around as if he was searching for someone. "Speaking of party, where's Daisy?"

"She's with Josie. I think that's Mr Black and his daughter. Didn't think they'll make it." Shane stood up. He had extended the invitation to them, but he hadn't expected them to come. It was a good thing they came anyway, they could formally shake hands on the deal.

"What are we waiting for? We should go say hi." Eric was already walking towards them, Shane followed closely behind.

Destiny Black was the first to notice them. "Mr Malcolm!" She beamed, champagne flute in hand. She looked extraordinarily beautiful in her little black dress that left nothing to imagination, much different from how she had looked playing the inside mole.

"Ah, the young billionaire." Neil Black extended his hand, Shane returned his handshake. "When I was your age I was still a bartender. Well, I was until I met Sarah, bless her soul. She gave me the necessary kick in the ass."

"Nice to meet you, Mr Black. I'm Eric Kirkpatrick," Eric chimed in, he shook hands with Neil Black, then tucked his hands into his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet.

"Just call me Neil." He put an arm around his daughter. "My lovely daughter, Destiny."

"Hi," Destiny smiled, giving Eric's outstretched hand a once over before accepting it. "Hi Shane."

Neil looked back and forth between his daughter and Shane. "Where's that beauty of yours?" He didn't sound as happy as one would while offering congratulations. Shane wondered if the man had seen through his facade, Neil Black didn't get to where he was by buying crap.

"She's somewhere around. You'll get to see her before the night is over," Shane replied. He looked around, wanting to be far away from the man's inquisitive eyes. The only other man who could make him squirm was his father, and he didn't need that ugly reminder this night.

Eric seemed to notice Shane's unease. "Shane, I think they're ready for your speech. I'll keep the Black's company."

Shane nodded. "If you'll excuse me, Neil."

"Of course, son."

Shane walked off, a smile pasted on his face for his guest. He headed for the bar, looking straight ahead so as to not get deterred. A waiter bumped into him, almost spilling the content of his tray on a woman behind him.

"I'm sorry ma'am." He stepped towards the woman who was quietly muttering curses under her breath. "Mom? What are you doing here?"

Maria immediately looked up. "Oh thank God. I've been looking for you everywhere." She looked distressed.

"What's wrong?"

"He's here?"

"Who?" The only 'he' Shane knew that could make his mother worried and all flustered was his father. And he sure as hell hoped the man wasn't here.

"Your father, and he brought his whole family with him."

Another successful finish.

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