Chapter Thirty Four

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She felt secure; that was the first thing that registered in her mind when she slowly opened her eyes. Shane's arm was around her waist, her head tucked under his neck. Jocelyn couldn't remember the last time she had ever felt that safe around someone, it was certainly something she would love to get used to.

As if sensing she was awake, Shane shifted his hand, then muttered something under his breath. Within a few seconds, he was sitting up and smiling down at her. "Good morning, hope you slept fine,"

Considering the circumstances, she had slept relatively well. Especially since she had no memories whatsoever of how she had gotten to his bed. The last thing she remembered was seeing her mother's face, and with that memory came the terror.

"Josie? Are you ok?" He watched her suspiciously, as though he was waiting for her to crack.

She wouldn't. She didn't want his pity, couldn't accept his pity, she thought to herself.

"Baby, I'm getting scared. What is it? You look so pale and you're barely breathing. Do I need to call the doctor?"

"Kiss me."

"What?" Shane was sure his ears were playing tricks on him. Surely, she didn't mean he should kiss her, not when she looked as if she would collapse at any moment. He watched her slowly make her way out of bed on shaky legs, he quickly stood up in case she needed his assistance.

"I asked you to kiss me, I want you," she stared at him, breathless.

"Come on honey, back to bed. You look like you've been through hell, and with everything that's happened, I couldn't possibly think of this."

"You pity me. You don't think I can handle this? You don't think I'm strong enough?" She dared him to prove her wrong. She knew this was a wrong way to deal with her pain, but she wanted to put it away for a few more moments, to pretend everything was fine. It was too much to deal with and although she knew running wouldn't help her, she was still willing to run.

"Jocelyn, the last thing I feel about you is pity. I love you and I want you to be better, to deal with this with me, to work it all out together. But I definitely don't pity you."

"Prove it then, I can deal with this much later. But right now, I need this."

Shane stared at her for a few more seconds, and when he saw that she was serious, he made up his mind.

"You should have asked for something harder, darling," he said in a low growl.

She watched him take a step towards her, then another until he was finally standing in front of her. She looked up and her nose grazed his. She shivered, she had never wanted something so much in her entire life, and she was sure if Shane didn't do this she'd be on her knees begging. Pride be damned!

He didn't say anything when he kissed her and his hands found their way around her waist and then pulled her up. And she was grateful he was silent, words were not necessary. Not now. She gasped as they tumbled towards the bed.

* * *

It was quiet when she woke up and Shane was nowhere to be found. She sat up and then groaned in agony at the resounding pain in her head. Nevertheless, it didn't stop her from fleeing from the bed. Thoughts of her rendezvous with Shane early that morning was topmost in her mind and she was more than embarrassed at her behavior.

She made it to the bathroom, and took a record breaking shower. Within minutes, she was making a run to her own room. It was time to move on. The next step of her life she was taking didn't involve any other person. She was sorry and heartbroken with the thought of leaving Shane behind, but there was no way she could drag him into her mess again. She didn't need him, no matter how tempting the thought of Shane beside her was, she wouldn't need him. It didn't matter that the thought of not seeing or being with him again made her feel sick to her stomach. All that mattered was being safe and making sure he was too.

Her suitcases had never really been unpacked, especially since she hadn't touched them since Shane upgraded her wardrobe. Without the clothes he bought her, the extent of her wardrobe filled two suitcases and were relatively easy to carry. The rest of her things, she could pick them up later or do without them if she could.

She was out of the house and was hailing a cab when she saw him. Her heart flew to her mouth and she hung back, hoping he didn't see her. He jogged up the stairs towards the lobby, his eyes trained on someone inside. She waited a few minutes to be sure he had gone before she stepped out of hiding. She got into the nearest cab and directed it to her apartment. It was the first place Shane was likely to check in search of her, so she was hoping she'd get her remaining things and be out of there before he realized she was missing.

If Elaine found her here, the woman could definitely find her again. The last thing she needed was to put Shane in harm because of her. She loved him too much to stay.

I'm so sorry I took this long in updating, and then to end up with a very short chapter. I dunno what I can do to make up for everything. Life has just been too busy and I am sorry for that. Here's me hoping the next update comes sooner!!!

Love you all...

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