Chapter Thirty

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"You're not going to open that bottle of Jack Daniels, Shane Harvard Malcolm!" Maria glared at the bottle in his hand, then looked around. Shane's study was cluttered with different empty liquor bottles, and a few shot glasses that he'd apparently abandoned some time ago.

"I'm a grown ass man, don't tell me what to do," Shane slurred. "I decide when I drink, not you!" His eyes glinted lazily.

Maria plucked the bottle from his limp fingers, then motioned to Eric, who had been standing beside the door to lift him up.

"You look and smell like shit, Shane. When was the last time you took a shower?" Eric scrunched up his nose at the smell of stale alcohol that laced Shane's breath.

Shane had done nothing but drink for the three days Josie had been gone, except to occasionally relieve his bladder, the drunk man was still wearing his tux from the engagement party, minus the tie and shoes.

"I don't see how that's your business, Kirkpatrick, I decide how I want to smell like."

Daisy huffed, "Of course you do! If you are done with your decisions, I suggest you get over your stupid self and go find my friend."

"What part of she left with my stepbrother don't you understand? She left, like Ava, who knows if I wasn't a pawn in another stupid game."

Maria couldn't take it anymore, like her son, she was worried about Josie, but she didn't think drowning his sorrows in a bottle was the best idea, especially when Josie could be in a dangerous situation, or worse hurt. So she slapped him.

Shane's head snapped to the side as he blinked a few times. All through his teenage years and childhood, his mother had rarely lost her temper on him. The feel of her palm across his face sobered him. "I'm sorry, mum."

"Get yourself cleaned up, there's someone you should talk to about this, I didn't go to all this trouble for nothing."

"What?" Shane was confused and disoriented. He hadn't come down from his high. Knowing fully well that the hangover waiting for him was hell, he'd kept on drinking, better drunk than hungover, with his emotions scattered for everyone to see.

Eric helped him up, an arm around his waist to keep him steady, then led him to the bathroom.


"What? You wanna have a bath with me?" Shane was irritated.

"Strip, down to your briefs," Eric replied, tugging his shirt off, and rolling the legs of his pants up. He knew what was to follow.

Shane reluctantly shrugged off his dress shirt, then took his pants and socks off.

Eric grabbed his arm and led him into the shower stall, then with a strong grip on Shane's longer than usual hair, turned on the tap, setting it to cold and making sure the icy spray pointed directly at Shane's face.

Shane cursed loudly, shouting profanities and struggling against Eric's grip, but soon gave it up when he choked on the water. He tried to release Eric's grip on his scalp, but his attempts were weak and pathetic; courtesy of his drunken state.

When Eric was sure Shane had been dunked enough, he left the man to continue his shower, grabbing a towel on his way out. Daisy smiled from her sitting position on the bed, she had dropped a tray on the nightstand which held a cup of black coffee and a bottle of aspirin.

"You're the best," Eric smiled, leaning in for a kiss. Daisy laughed against his mouth, then kissed him back.

Before things could go any further, someone cleared their throat. "There are guest bedrooms, you shouldn't use mine." A very disgruntled Shane frowned.

Daisy laughed again, a slight blush on her face. "Look who's back!"

Shane held his head, "Tone it down, there's a marching band already in my head."

Daisy pointed at the bottle of aspirin, and Shane walked towards it, towel drying his hair.

"You're a lifesaver, Daisy. You may go now, I wanna take this towel off, and I'm not sure you guys want this particular show."

"Gross!" Daisy shrieked as she fled from the room, leaving Eric behind.

"Get your shit together, man, we need it. Certain people are waiting for you in the kitchen, and they're not happy."

"Thanks, I owe you one."

Eric nodded in response, then walked out.

Shane settled for sweatpants and a T-shirt, then walked out in the direction of the kitchen. Immediately he got in, a fist began pounding into him, and he couldn't do anything to defend himself, except trying to push the guy away. His movements were unbalanced and he wasn't successful in pushing the man away.

"Where's Jocelyn, I told you to take care of her, dammit." A very irate Irish snarled at him.

"Ian, she left me, not the other way round." Shane stepped away from Ian, walking further into the kitchen.

Ian was still breathing down his neck. "Why are you here? Why aren't you trying to get her back? Why didn't she call me?"

"I dunno," Shane replied, then finally noticed the other person in his house, apart from his mother and Daisy, that is. "What the fuck are you doing here, you fucking bastard!" He lunged for the man.

Daisy and Maria screamed.

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