Chapter Seventeen

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Jocelyn pulled the double doors open after informing Maria about her plans for the day and asking if the woman needed anything. Maria had said no, then reminded her of her promise to talk to Shane.

She blinked in surprise, unsure if the woman had the wrong house. Somehow, she had expected a ditzy blonde, with fake boobs and an annoying smile.

But Daisy wasn't anything like that. She was a head shorter than Jocelyn, a brunette and had twinkling green eyes that lightened immediately she saw Jocelyn, with incredibly long lashes. She smiled as Jocelyn continued to stare. Her smile reminded Jocelyn of a blooming flower, refreshing and soothing at the same time.

Daisy immediately rushed forward to pull Jocelyn into a hug. "You must be Josie. Nice to meet you," she said, squeezing Jocelyn like they've known each other for long. Jocelyn patted her back awkwardly.

"Hi Daisy. Do you want to come in, or we should head out already?" Jocelyn asked, stepping away from her.

"I haven't had breakfast yet. Let's just go, there's this new restaurant I've been meaning to visit. I think it is a great choice," Daisy chattered excitedly, walking back to her car with Jocelyn close behind.

"Okay then,"  Jocelyn muttered, not really interested in what the smaller woman was saying.

A few minutes later, they were pulling into the parking lot of The Palace restaurant. Jocelyn wasn't exactly surprised, somehow she had known the place Daisy was talking about was here.

She immediately noticed the car Shane drove, parked to one corner, and was irritated to find out that she had already committed his plate number to memory.

The glass doors slid open as they walked in, Daisy already heading towards the back. It was bad luck that the table Daisy chose was directly opposite Shane and his supposed girlfriend that Jocelyn recognized as a model. She had also seen her hanging on to Shane's arm in several pictures online. She was the only woman who had been photographed with him more than once, so she probably meant something to him. Jocelyn frowned and wondered why Shane hadn't asked her to marry him; there was clearly chemistry between them. A lot of fans actually did ship them together. Her stomach tightened and eating lunch didn't seem as enticing.

"Hi, Shane. Candy," Jocelyn called out in greeting as she settled into her seat. Shane's head whipped around and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Do I know you?" Candy huffed, flicking her hair to the left.

"No, but I know Shane," Jocelyn replied, concentrating on the leather bound menu in front of her.

"Shane? Who's she?" Candy's hand rested on Shane's arm, squeezing his bicep as she eyed Jocelyn, sizing her up.

Shane's face actually reddened. "Um, Candy darling, we'll talk about it in the car. Let's go get that purse you've been talking about," he replied, standing and pulling Candy up with him. "Hey Josie," he nodded at Daisy, "Daisy, its been a while."

Jocelyn ignored the both of them, wondering what to order.

Daisy's brow shot up as she noticed the duo and Jocelyn's indifferent reaction to them. "Hey Shane," she waved then looked at Jocelyn.

Their eyes tracked them as they left, with Candy holding on to Shane like her life depended on him. Immediately they were iut the door, Daisy leaned in to whisper, "that's the model he was dating before your engagement, you know. How come you are so calm about it? If that was Eric and some bitch, I'd be all over the table, clawing their eyes out." Daisy's eyes were wide and she looked really shocked.

Jocelyn shrugged, then laughed when she visualized the image Daisy was explaining. "I guess Shane should know what's respectable or not."

Daisy stared at her for a moment, till the waiter came for their orders.

"I'll just have a salad and water,"  Jocelyn said.

Daisy's eyes widened even more. "No way you're a health freak. I mean, how can you survive on that." She looked as if the thought of healthy food irritated her.

Jocelyn laughed again, "Oh God! No. I had a heavy breakfast and since I'm never going to darken the halls of a gym anytime soon, I think now's a good time as ever to munch on veggies." Jocelyn laughed again at the amused expression on Daisy's face. "I literally eat like a pig."

It was Daisy's turn to laugh, and just like her smile, her laugh sounded lyrical to Josie. "I think I've just found my best friend," Daisy added in between hiccups.

The waiter soon arrived with Josie's salad and Daisy's chicken soup and noodles. The lady immediately dug in while Jocelyn picked at her food. She really didn't like salads and Daisy's soup was looking super enticing; the steam from the bowl seeping into her nostrils.

Jocelyn wasn't sure being best friends with a friend of Shane was advisable, especially since her relationship with Shane wasn't exactly gossip worthy. However, she raised her glass in a toast, to being friends with Daisy.

Daisy saw her watching her plate of food and after a little consideration, she swapped food with Jocelyn. Jocelyn smiled at her, grateful to her for saving her from the salad. Daisy dug in and Jocelyn watched her; the woman could anything. Daisy looked up and motioned for her to start eating. Jocelyn nodded and picked up her spoon with muttered thanks.

"What do you say we visit the spa for a makeover?"Daisy asked, paying for the meal when they were done.

"Sure. I've been meaning to get a haircut," Jocelyn smiled back, remembering her conversation with Maria earlier on.

As they drove towards the spa, Jocelyn finally let herself wonder what the tiny pins in her stomach had been when she had seen Shane with the model. She couldn't be jealous over a man she knew for barely less than a week, could she?

And if she was jealous, what exactly would she say to Shane when she got back to the house?

I think we should speed things up a little bit. I don't really like the idea of Shane hanging out with other women. I feel like clawing Candy's eyes out, and feeding them to her..


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