Chapter Twenty Two

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Shane slept through most of his illness, with Jocelyn hardly leaving his side. For the short three days, Jocelyn felt at peace. She could talk to Shane about little things, like his best color and favorite TV program, without thinking too much about his reaction.

On this particular day, Shane decided he was well enough. He had woken up early and gotten dressed to catch up with work.

Jocelyn had to stop herself from pleading with him to stay by clamping her teeth into her bottom lip. Shane of course took it as an invitation to kiss her. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers.

He dragged a hand through her hair, the other holding her waist. "I wish I don't have to go to work," he muttered. "But I do," he sighed heavily and pulled away from her.

It took Jocelyn a moment to get her bearing, her eyes fluttered open. "See you later then?"

Shane smiled. "I'm taking a month off once this deal is done." He pushed a few strands of hair   -that had managed to escape the messy bun- away from her face. "I forgot to tell you. I'm announcing our engagement tomorrow night. Its a company party, Lorraine managed to get a few reporters. We'll talk about the details later, gotta go." He kissed her forehead, then walked to the front door.

The smile Jocelyn was wearing fell off. What had she been thinking? Of course this was a business deal, and she had managed to twist it into something else in her head.

All the touchy feely things she had been doing with Shane weren't exactly real. They were not real. What they had was a product of a four-paged document.

There was a knock on the door so she pulled herself out of her thoughts and went to the door.

"Hope this home is germ free. I don't want to catch anything and give to my poor baby, he's very prone to illnesses," Daisy said in her loud voice, pulling Jocelyn into a hug. "Hey stranger. Your eyes are sparkling. Have you been doing naughty things with a patient?"

Jocelyn laughed, closing the door behind them. "They're not and I haven't done anything," she growled playfully, walking to the hallway mirror to inspect her face. And sure enough, there was a certain light in her eyes.

Daisy cocked her head to the side. "I'm glad someone's getting it."

Jocelyn blushed furiously, turning away from the woman. "God! Stop it Daisy. Did you come here just to tease and annoy me?"

Daisy laughed, her eyes glinting. "Of course not. Shane asked me to help you with shopping. Apparently, tomorrow's a semi big day, right?"

Jocelyn rolled her eyes, "Right."

"And we get to pick up your wedding dress. Shane ordered it already."

"Of course he did," Jocelyn found herself smiling at the thought of Shane buying her wedding dress.

Daisy folded her arms in front of her. "You like this guy."

Jocelyn smiled, "Of course. I'm marrying him, right?"

Daisy shook her head. "Look, Eric finally told me about your arrangement. I'm not judging or anything, God knows you're the nicest person I know, sacrificing for little homeless kids and all. I just wished it was something more. You and Shane look like you connect on a deeper level."

Jocelyn cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you."

"It's okay. We're cool. Back to you being starry eyed. You really like him, don't you?"

Jocelyn sighed heavily, "God help me, I do. Crazy, right?"

Daisy patted her shoulders. "Its a good thing. You're a good woman, Josie. It won't take long for Shane to recognize it."

I wish he doesn't, Jocelyn shook her head. She didn't feel like talking about Shane anymore. "Have you had breakfast?" She asked, desperately trying to change the topic.

"Just cereals, but I'm fine. I'm so glad Shane found you, nevermind the situation. The poor man deserves a little good in his life. He went through a lot with that Ava bitch."

Jocelyn frowned, "Who's Ava?" She asked. Just how many women had Shane been with?

Daisy's hands flew to her mouth. "Oh shit! You didn't know? I'm not supposed to tell you that." Her eyes widened.

"You're so telling me now, Daisy," Jocelyn glared at her.

Daisy eyed her, obviously not liking the tight spot she was in. "Just some manipulative bitch."


"Okay, okay, fine. He dated her five years ago. Fell for her with his body, soul and all. But it turned out she wanted his money, and was doing all that for Luca. Shane's half brother. She robbed him blind. When Shane found out, he was mad. He asked her to leave, then went after her. He wanted her back, even after what she did to him. The poor guy cried for days, Eric was scared shitless, we thought Shane was going to lose it. Yet he went back for her, of course, that only made it worse, it's the worst breakup I've ever seen. Lasted a bloody year, most divorces doesn't take half that much time. She kept coming back, hurting Shane, tormenting the poor guy. Till he finally did something about it." She paused. "We don't think he's over it yet."

Jocelyn breathed shakily. A guy could only handle so much. Turned out Shane was very great at keeping his emotions hidden, because by looking at him, you'd never think he had been through so much. "Let's go get that dress. This is too much to digest in one day," Jocelyn suggested, already moving towards the door, cell phone and purse in hand.

Another successful chapter.

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Love y'all...

Love y'all

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