Chapter Thirty Three

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Jocelyn and Elaine had been engaged in the silent stare down for almost an hour. After she had regained consciousness from the baseball bat incident, Jocelyn had been staring at her mother, wondering what would happen next.

Elaine finally looked away, grabbing a bottle of pills andd furiously biting her nails to the point of bleeding it, which was to Jocelyn, a clear sign that her mother was becoming worked up. A worked up Elaine was worse than when she was high.

"The doctors thinks I need the pills, to calm me down," Elaine laughed. "I don't need calming down, all the drug does is make you too tired to think, and if you overdose, you get to sleep for hours."

Jocelyn watched her mother watching the bottle of pills, and wondered if she could actually do it, could she trick her mother into taking the drug?

But to what point? She was still bound to the fridge, and she didn't see any way she could be free of the cuffs on her ankles or her hands.

"Do you know that its colorless and tasteless when added to drinks or water? I do believe it's a perfect drug to some extent," Elaine smiled at Jocelyn, making the latter wonder if her mother knew what was going through her mind.

"Shane will come for me, he'll find me." She was really hoping he would, it wouldn't exactly be surprising if he didn't even question her whereabouts, he hadn't seemed to care at the engagement party when he left her for Ava. For all she knew, he could be with the woman right now, he could have moved her into the house, and then moved Josie's things immediately. Ava was obviously the better choice, she was sophisticated, beautiful and perfectly his type, she would be able to fit right in with a multi billionaire. Ava would know the right clothes and accessories, she would be the perfect host and would surely provide the Malcolms with beautiful children. And all these things, Josie was sure she could never be, with her poor background, and absolutely no knowledge of what was deemed right or wrong in their social circles.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Elaine smiled, abandoning her nails and moving on to picking the threading in her gown.

Elaine poured orange juice into a glass, then sipped it.

"I'm thirsty, can I get water?" Josie asked, fingers crossed. She was hoping Elaine would grant her wishes and forget her glass of juice in the process.

Elaine seemed to consider her request for a while, then stood up, straightened her dress and left, glass of orange juice in hand.

Josie almost screamed, but forced herself to think of an alternative. She crawled to where her mother had sat, thankful for the longer chain. She took out four pills from the bottle, not too much for Elaine to notice it missing from the bottle, but hopefully it would be enough to do the job. She looked around the room, looking for a glass or something, then remembered the carton of orange juice. The binds on her hands didn't give her enough room for what she needed to do, but she managed, dropping all four pills into the carton and shaking it well. She thanked her stars for the fact that Elaine wore shoes that clicked on the tiled floor, thus announcing her presence. Jocelyn immediately retreated and tried to look as normal as possible.

Elaine unlocked the cuffs on her wrists, then handed her the glass of water. "You can use the bathroom if you want to, but don't try any funny business, I'm watching you." She removed the cuffs on her ankles, and Jocelyn felt blood trickle down her legs.

On shaky legs, she walked down the hall into the bathroom and tried to close the door.

"Leave it open," Elaine yelled.

The bathroom had only one window which was way to small and too high up to be of any use to her. There was also nothing she could use to help herself out of the present situation, so she eased her almost bursting bladders, then washed her hands. She took the liberty of washing her face, grateful that there were no mirrors, the last thing she wanted was a visual of what the whole episode was doing to her.

When she came back out, Elaine was pacing, and there was no way to know for sure if she'd actually drank from the carton.

Elaine motioned to the fridge, but Jocelyn stepped back, there was no way she was going into it without a fight.

"Let me sit down for a bit, my legs ache from bending at such an awkward angle."

Elaine said nothing, only motioned to the chair and then fastened the cuffs around her legs again, but left out her hands.

She resumed her position opposite Jocelyn and picked up her glass of juice. "You should take one of the pills, so you can sleep off the pain you must be going through, it takes ten minutes to kick in."

Jocelyn shook her head, perturbed at Elaine's change of mood.

The wait began, and soon, Elaine's head was drooping. Josie didn't waste time thinking about what she would do when she left the house, she just knew she had to take her chance. So stretching forward, she slipped the key of the cuffs of her mother's fingers, then grew still when Elaine's eyes flew open. After a few seconds, her head dropped again, and Jocelyn was soon hearing her soft snores.

She wasted no time freeing herself of the cuffs, and she was running towards the front door and out the house. She wasn't sure if it was just wishful thinking on her part or sheer hallucinations, but she could make out three figures making their way down the driveway, without thinking about it, she ran in their direction.

Hope I didn't leave you guys confused, this is before she fainted in front of Shane.

I wanna hear your thoughts on this chapter, y'all. Also, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading, i love you guys.

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