Chapter Nine

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Jocelyn sat silently in the front seat of Shane's car, while he sang along with the radio. He had a pretty nice voice, the type that was soothing.

Her thoughts ran back to the last time she had been in a car with her parents. It was her eight year birthday, and for the first time in three years, her dad was sober and she was sure her mom was not on drugs.

I sat in the backseat of dad's car. Hoping that this birthday would be at least normal. So far so good, dad was sober.

They had taken me to an ice cream shop at the mall. Dad had asked me to order for my ice cream. I immediately asked the pretty lady to get me the chocolate flavor.

Mum had ordered strawberry and dad said he didn't want any.

I rubbed my hands in delight, thinking about the paradise I was going to dig my spoon into.

The lady had arrived with our orders. Then dad had lost it.

"Who asked for chocolate? Lyn only takes vanilla. Take this shit away from the table." He yelled, then swung his fist out. The ice cream cup had flown from the table, hitting the lady in her stomach.

I gasped, and stared at the lady's clothes.

I've always loved chocolate! I almost yelled. But dad's eyes had darkened.

"Paul. Lyn loves chocolate." Mum said quietly. I wondered if dad heard.

He slapped mom's cheeks so hard, the lady screamed. She had been frozen in spot, looking down at her soiled clothes.

"Daddy!" I screamed.

"Get in the car, Lyn sweetie,"he said and I tried not to gag at the endearment.

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