Characters & Summary

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Kim Seokjin - 30

Kim Seokjin - 30

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Seokjin has endured the pain of losing his husband, who passed away after a long and courageous fight against cancer. His whole life used to center on him and his marriage, and he has no idea what to do now that that has changed. Because he and his husband had hoped that he would get better and be able to have a family together when he did, his husband had frozen some of his sperm before he began his treatments so that they would be able to do so in the future. When he was on his deathbed, he told Seokjin that it was alright for him to use his sperm to have a child if he wanted to.

After suffering from depression and isolation for two years, Seokjin finally concludes that the only thing that could help him recover is to try to have a child with his husband's sperm through insemination. 

Jeon Jungkook - 35

Jeon Jungkook - 35

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Jungkook is a great businessman in every sense of the word since he has dedicated most of his life to advancing his professional standing. He places far higher importance on his work than he does on everything else in his life. However, as he continues to age, he realizes that he needs an heir to succeed as the leader of his business.

His husband's greatest wish is for them to have a child, but infertility and the disintegration of their marriage have made it difficult for them to conceive a child during their marriage. After two years of his spouse asking him if they might attempt in vitro fertilization (IVF), Jungkook reluctantly accepts. Although he is done with his marriage, the necessity of having an heir means more to him.


The first chapter will take place two months after Jin has gotten the insemination.

I would like to add before we begin, that if you are familiar with Jane the Virgin, you may assume it's just like that. However, as someone who has only watched five episodes of that program, I can assure you that it is not, and if there is any connection at all, it is purely coincidental. Even though it was not based on Jane the Virgin, while I was thinking about the story's narrative in 2021, I couldn't help but think of that show because of the concept. I also know some readers' thoughts might immediately go there. However, I came up with this plot all on my own. If I had been inspired by Jane the Virgin, I would have mentioned it here, but I wasn't. I just wanted to get things straight before starting a new chapter in our Jinkook adventure.

Hoping you will enjoy it, JK's character might be a bit similar to another previous character, but I will leave that to you to figure out. 

Laugh vs Cry 😉

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